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[Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory] Martin Bormann, the head of the Nazi Party after Hitler's death, was the Paraguayan millionaire who fabricated the fake Golden Ticket. He did so to try and steal Wonka's business secrets.

tl;dnr: What it says in the title. Martin Bormann, coming out of hiding as a Paraguayan millionaire with a supposed Golden Ticket, sought entrance into Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Bormann likely assumed that he could either buy Wonka off with his wealth, and/or to try to steal Wonka's business secrets by gaining entrance to his factory.
Evidence I: Martin Bormann, Nazi and South American Millionaire
It's been confirmed that the Paraguayan millionaire who produced the Golden Ticket is, in fact, Martin Bormann, who assumed leadership of the Nazi Party after Hitler's death.
While the director claims that he meant to use Bormann's photo as a joke, especially given the claims of "Nazis fleeing to South America" after WWII. However, for the sake of this theory, and assuming that the Wonka-verse is an alternate universe from our own, that Bormann, who died shortly after Hitler in our universe, indeed managed to flee to South America successfully after WWII.
Let's say that Bormann, in the Wonka-verse, then somehow makes a fortune by going into business, becoming a millionaire by 1971, the year the events of the film, for argument's sake, take place in.
Evidence II: Why Bormann Fabricated a Golden Ticket
If Bormann is a "Paraguayan millionaire", then what Bormann made his millions in, or from? Given how Veruca Salt's father made his fortune in the peanut industry, another candy-related sector, let's assume that Bormann made his millions in none other than the cocoa, or chocolate, industry.
More specifically, Bormann likely made his fortune as one of South America's "cocoa barons".
During the late 19th and much of the 20th century, a small patch of paradise in southern Bahia, a state in Northeast Brazil, was the #1 producer of cocoa in the world. It was also the realm of Brazil’s cocoa barons.
Cacao trees were native to the Brazilian Amazon. But in the 1700s, Brazilian colonists decided to see if cacao would take to the fertile soil of the coastal region surrounding the tiny town of Ilhéus. Cacao thrives in the shade, and the native Atlantic forest – a rainforest more ancient than the Amazon – provided a natural canopy that allowed trees to reach heights of 40 feet.
In the late 1800s, spurred on by industrialization, the world’s cocoa market exploded. Adventurers from Brazil and around the world sailed, rode and even walked to Bahia’s “Cocoa Coast.” Many dreamed of making vast fortunes by planting this cash crop. For decades, precious cocoa was known as “black gold.”
Planters who grew rich from its trade became known as “cocoa barons.”
In keeping with their title, the “barons” built grand plantation estates furnished with the finest European trappings. They drove to Ilhéus in gleaming American automobiles and checked into grand hotels. They wiled away days at luxurious beach houses with names such as Praia dos Milionários (Millionnaire Beach). At night, they gambled away fortunes while drinking Champagne, and smoking cigars lit with 500,000 real bills.
On Sundays, lavishly attired cocoa baronesses went to mass at the new and opulent São Sebastião Cathedral. Meanwhile, their husbands took refuge in the nearby Bar Vesúvio. From the bar, a secret passage led to the Bataclan. In this swank “cabaret,” barons could indulge in more earthly pursuits with European call girls. The chime of church bells warned them that services were ending. That masses lasted three hours was due to an agreement between the barons and priests. Those who gave extra long sermons were handsomely rewarded. (Source)
Additionally, Bormann being a cocoa baron, while tying in with his potential motivation for fabricating the Golden Ticket (not only bringing attention to himself, but his business, as well as giving him a shot at the grand prize), also fits with his past as a particularly sadistic, anti-Semitic Nazi.
While cocoa farmers suffered, their baron bosses made millions.
...there was a lot of resentment about the wealth of the so-called cacao colonels -- the owners of large plantations -- compared to the lives of the farm workers.
"Cacao elites used to say that the best doctor in the area was Varig and Vasp, which were the two airlines that would take you out of town," said Mary Ann Mahony, a professor of history at Central Connecticut State University. "In the '80s, there was no running water, no indoor plumbing, no electricity, nothing."
[...] "[The farmers themselves] were very poor," Aquino recalled. "They wouldn't know how to read and write." Mahony recalled seeing payroll sheets from the 1970s, where workers "were signing with their fingerprint, because they were illiterate."
Novelist Jorge Amado describes the scene aptly in his book, The Golden Harvest. Ilheus is "a city of money and cabarets, of dauntless courage and dirty deals."
And on the cacao plantations, "the cacao fields are the work, the home, the garden, the cinema, often the cemetery of the workers. The enormous feet of the hired hands look like roots, bearing no resemblance to anything else. The visgo of cacao sticks to their feet and never comes off, making them like the bark of the trunk, while malaria gives them the yellow color of nearly ripe pods, ready for picking."
"There were slaves that worked in cacao," Mahony summarized. "Most of the people who worked for [the cacao colonels] lived in illiteracy and darkness."
[...] "It's related to being bad or not. The employer had the right to take from the employee clothes, food, house," Aquino recalled. "The minimum wage was so little." Many employers took advantage of this system. (Source)
Additionally, agriculture in Paraguay, unlike in Brazil, was just having the start of its expansion in 1971.
Growth in agriculture was very rapid from the early 1970s to the early 1980s, a period when cotton and soybean prices soared and cropland under cultivation expanded as a result of agricultural colonization.
Growth in agriculture slowed from an average of 7.5% annual growth in the 1970s, to approximately 3.5% in the mid-to-late 1980s. (Wikipedia)
Evidence III: Wonka's Awareness / Planting Spies
It's well-known, even within the movie itself, that Willy Wonka himself was not only aware of the potential consequences and implications of his Golden Ticket event, but that he kept his desired outcomes fully, tightly controlled.
This is evidenced by his use of one of his employees, Wilkinson, as an actor for "Slugworth" to tempt the children with money; as well as the "convenient" locations [and winners] of all five of the true Golden Tickets, among other pieces of evidence, as seen in this theory here, as well as one here.
It's quite obvious that the entire purpose of Wonka holding the Golden Ticket event to begin with was to find a worthy heir and successor, one he could bestow his chocolate factory onto. Enter Martin Bormann, South American cocoa baron millionaire, who, like everyone else, hears of Wonka's Golden Ticket sweepstakes.
Bormann, also a mega-weathy businessman, and one clearly who built his millions over the years, likely also did what Wonka did: send out spies, or "feelers", to research Wonka, and gather as much information as possible on Wonka and his factory.
It's even quite plausible that Bormann, if a giant in the cocoa / chocolate industry, may have been one of Wonka's direct rivals...or, as a major cocoa seller and supplier, "played the field" among chocolate and candy makers, or sought to be one of the ones to steal Wonka's secrets. Bormann may have even sought to steal Wonka's secrets to purposefully distribute among other chocolate makers, as competition often helps drive additional profits...and more chocolate makers means more clients to buy Bormann's cocoa, and more money for Bormann.
Indeed, Grandpa Joe, who used to work for Wonka in the 2005 adaptation, also has this exchange with Wonka:
Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work here in the factory.
Willy Wonka: Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work, and sell it to those parasitic, copy-cat candy-making cads?
Grandpa Joe: No, sir.
Willy Wonka: Wonderful, welcome back.
This follows the book as well:
Years before Charlie had his visit to the factory, Willy Wonka ran his candy business with regular workers, not "little funny colored people." But because Willy Wonka was the greatest candy maker in the land, his enemies sent spies into his factory, stole his ideas, and recreated his greatest candy creations.
This produced overwhelming paranoia in Mr. Wonka. His solution? Fire all his workers and shut down his factory. In fact, it's revealed in the first movie that Grandpa Joe used to work in Wonka's factory and was one of the unlucky workers let go (an addition from the story in the original book).
So, rather than develop a security solution or management solution to deal with these spies, like a sane person would, Willy Wonka fired his entire workforce. In the case of Charlie's parents, the Buckets, and probably numerous other families who relied on those jobs for their livelihood, it pushed them into poverty.
The degree of misery caused by Wonka's decision never made it into the story. Although we hear nothing about the town where the factory resides, it's probable that the city, or at the very least the neighborhood, was decimated by that decision. Yet, instead of being thought of as a villain, Willy Wonka is considered a hero. He's the creative genius who just wasn't allowed to be free to be himself and do his thing. (Source)
Given this addition, there's a few things that stand out to me: one, that Wonka was clearly so upset, and so angry, at discovering the spies at his factory, or at his wit's end, that he fired everyone; and two, that he did so in a way that implies that, instead of viewing his employees as people, he viewed them as servants, or even slaves...ones that he could dismiss at a moment's notice.
To this end, in both the 1971 and 2005 adaptations, Wonka doesn't seem to develop more perspective for how badly he treated his former workers and employees (Grandpa Joe and the Bucket family included) until he discovers, and "adopts", the Ooma Loompas. With the Oompa Loompas, Wonka seems to learn how to treat others with compassion, giving the Oompa Loompas a safe haven and home, and voicing his feelings of pity and sympathy for their plight.
Wonka's previous, callous attitude towards his workers and employees, especially given the poor treatment of South America's "cocoa barons" towards their farmers, to me, points to Bormann and Wonka having had a previous, close relationship / business partnership, perhaps even a friendship. This is especially true, given that Wonka would be several decades younger than Bormann (Gene Wilder was 37-38 years old when he filmed his role as Wonka; by 1971, Bormann would have been around 71 years old, with a birth year of 1900).
Bormann likely provided, and sold, South American cocoa initially (exclusively) to Wonka as part of a business partnership, and likely even helped Wonka grow his chocolate empire and business (as Wonka selling more chocolate meant more cocoa profits / sales for Bormann)...before ultimately Bormann got greedy, sending spies to Wonka's factory, and also supporting and selling to other chocolate and candy makers, like Slugworth.
Additionally, Bormann, being an older millionaire, may have even provided the initial investment, or money, to Wonka to build his chocolate factory, and start his business empire, to begin with.
This also explains how, and why, Wonka previously saw it as "more than acceptable" to fire all of his workers at once, and seemingly, close his factory: he learned it from Bormann. Feeling utterly betrayed by his own cocoa provider and business partner, Wonka lashed out, utterly withdrawing from the public eye...but he never forgot what Bormann, and his enemies and rivals, did.
Indeed, Wonka, with his idea for the Golden Tickets, and after what happened to him with the spies incident, directly anticipated his enemies and rivals trying to, once again, steal his secrets. This is evidenced in the film when Wonka pays Wilkinson to pose as Slugworth, offering a "test" to each of the children, to see which one of the kids would be able to withstand temptation and manipulation from corrupt, greedy businessmen. Indeed, Slugworth "whispering" into each child's ear seems to mirror the plausible recreation, or echo, of Bormann (or another greedy buisnessman) having "whispered" into a young Wonka's ear, tempting and offering him money.
However, there was one thing that Wonka did not take into account: that Bormann would try other cunning, sneaky methods to try and gain access to Wonka's factory...or that his sweepstakes actually didn't prevent a rival businessman from obtaining a Golden Ticket.
Evidence IV: The "Fake" Golden Ticket
From the film, we know that Bormann supposedly fabricated the "fifth Golden Ticket". Yet that Golden Ticket was somehow "proven to be fake".
I see two potential options for what actually happened, or may have happened:
  • Bormann, indeed, fabricated the Golden Ticket. However, Wilkinson, posing as Slugworth, approaches Bormann, and sees that the ticket is fake, or another employee of Wonka's claims it's fake...or Wonka himself leaks, or announces, that the Ticket is a "fake", as he knows the location of the last Golden Ticket, and it's not in Paraguay, but the UK.
  • Bormann, like Veruca Salt's father, paid his employees to find him the Golden Ticket. Thus, his Golden Ticket was real, but because Bormann was an adult, as well as a millionaire (along with the other speculation I mentioned above), Wonka, or his representative(s), claimed that Bormann's Ticket was a fake. [According to the original drafts of the book, Wonka also sent out seven (7), not five (5), Golden Tickets, which would also explain this; Wonka may have quietly produced 1-2 more Golden Tickets, in case of scenarios like this.] Or Wonka stole or confiscated Bormann's Ticket, claimed it as a fake, and then resent it out, this time to its "intended target", Charlie Bucket.
submitted by Obversa to FanTheories [link] [comments]

Advantages of IOS App Development saad App Development

Advantages of IOS App Development saad App Development
IOS stands for the iPhone operating system. It is used for Apple-manufactured devices. It’s a famous operating system that runs on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple. IOS is a mobile operating system for Apple-manufactured devices. IOS app development is done for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV. IOS is the second most popular OS that provides outstanding, innovative features & perfect user experiences, its general characteristics are:
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IOS Application Development Company

It works on a multi-level process, it begins when the right design platform and programming language is selected and ends with a user-friendly native app. This is the best-known software that enables iPhone clients to communicate with their mobiles to exploit the utilities of gestures, for example, swiping, tapping and squeezing. These finger activities are regularly performed on multi-contact capacitive touchscreen displays, that gives a fast response and it takes inputs from multiple fingers. IOS app development services include an email client, a Safari Web browser, a portable media player (iPod), all these services are by default. iPhone apps can be accessed through the Apple App Store and are planned in such a way that they can be easily run on Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, which powers the iPhone as well as Apple’s iPad and iPod Touch devices. Free apps are provided to iPhone users and they can download the apps from the App Store.
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Every IOS application is bundled into a package, a record framework index that contains an arrangement of related assets. The main part of the bundle consists of the app executable file that holds the compiled code, the application name, and the executable file names are same, without the .app extension.
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To meet the individual demands of your business, our team of iOS app developers has years of knowledge and a vast experience. If you are looking for iPhone app developer for hire or you want to acquire consumer-related information, enhance the brand awareness, improve customer relationships or you want to extend your social reach, SI Global solutions is the best IOS development company that offers you high tech apps with a future-centric approach.
submitted by siglobalsolutions to u/siglobalsolutions [link] [comments]

Advantages of IOS App Development saad App Development

IOS stands for the iPhone operating system. It is used for Apple-manufactured devices. It’s a famous operating system that runs on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple. IOS is a mobile operating system for Apple-manufactured devices. IOS app development is done for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV. IOS is the second most popular OS that provides outstanding, innovative features & perfect user experiences, its general characteristics are:

IOS Application Development Company

It works on a multi-level process, it begins when the right design platform and programming language is selected and ends with a user-friendly native app. This is the best-known software that enables iPhone clients to communicate with their mobiles to exploit the utilities of gestures, for example, swiping, tapping and squeezing. These finger activities are regularly performed on multi-contact capacitive touchscreen displays, that gives a fast response and it takes inputs from multiple fingers. IOS app development services include an email client, a Safari Web browser, a portable media player (iPod), all these services are by default. iPhone apps can be accessed through the Apple App Store and are planned in such a way that they can be easily run on Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, which powers the iPhone as well as Apple’s iPad and iPod Touch devices. Free apps are provided to iPhone users and they can download the apps from the App Store.
Developers must be able to write code using the Swift or Objective-C programming languages and must be able to work within Apple’s integrated development environment. They must also have knowledge of the basic abstraction layers that describes iOS and how the app’s files are tied up together.
In spite of the fact that written work code is the core of building an iOS application, that could wind up being the minimum difficult part of the entire application lifecycle.
Every IOS application is bundled into a package, a record framework index that contains an arrangement of related assets. The main part of the bundle consists of the app executable file that holds the compiled code, the application name, and the executable file names are same, without the .app extension.
The mania for iOS applications is increased because IOS applications are more specialized than other applications. iPhone app development takes the benefit of enhanced User experience, outstanding HTML support, the best support for USB Audio devices and much better Siri.

Benefits Of Hiring An IOS Application Development Company

In a world full of advanced technology, the business application is an essential part for a developing organization. Smartphones are the most elevated gadgets used for personal and business use.
Regardless of the fact that in the smartphone market there are 75% android users but still Apple is dominant when it comes to paying ability of customers. Android users pay less as compared to Apple users but Apple user is more willing to pay. Open source heritage of Android is one of the crucial reasons behind it.Also; the average cost of an android app is $1000 to $3000, on the other hand, for an iOS application, its $2.01, making a large amount of paying clients.
IOS users are generally the most cheerful users, enabling it to be the first choice for a business app. Apple has become an upper-level brand in consumer electronics because of its best hardware, superb customer support, and outstanding software. When an app is downloaded by an Android user, some apps work, while some of them don’t. But it doesn’t happen in the case of Apple users. Every app by IOS works efficiently on an iPhone, giving a perfect user experience, that’s crucial for a business.
Apps are created by companies for better customer relationship. Better customer relationship can be enhanced if the app’s interface is more pleasant. Regulated environment given by IOS is always praised by its users. These characteristics of the company’s app make it more desirable to use and increase its productivity and sales.
10% of the total money spent on the making of an android app that must not be a profitable amount for a business. The more usage of IOS App helps an organization to live healthy finances with increased revenue and higher ROI. The amount of scalability of an iOS app makes it easy to serve to those clients that are willing to invest more.
Every company dreams to grow and establish the roots of their business in the foreign countries. An iOS app enables the company to expand their business in developed countries like US, UK because iPhones are quite popular in those countries. The company stands a good chance to take a firm stand in their market because of the popularity of iPhones in these countries.
A company should have to define its platform with such inspiring features that guarantee a high level of security to its clients. External threats never induce any fear in an iPhone user; IOS make a perfect choice for an app development of a business by providing strong protection against malware and Viruses.

The IOS Architecture

There are four abstraction layers defined by IOS application developers:
To meet the individual demands of your business, our team of iOS app developers has years of knowledge and a vast experience. If you are looking for iPhone app developer for hire or you want to acquire consumer-related information, enhance the brand awareness, improve customer relationships or you want to extend your social reach, SI Global solutions is the best IOS development company that offers you high tech apps with a future-centric approach.
submitted by siglobalsolutions to u/siglobalsolutions [link] [comments]

[SELL/SWAP][US to any][PERFUME] More added 4/3! Scent descriptions listed for all. Treats included with all orders! :) NAVA, BPAL, Solstice Scents, Possets, Sixteen92, Haus of Gloi, Alkemia, Arcana, Wylde Ivy, and more!

Shipping starts at $3 (within US). $10 minimum order, please. Will quote international shipping as needed. Shipping to Canada and UK has been around $10, and I do ask international orders total $15 prior to shipping as there's a bit more work involved.
Payment via PayPal F&F, please, unless you would like to cover the fees.
Haus of Gloi:
Lou Lou's:
Solstice Scents:
Wylde Ivy
Whisper Sisters:
Delightful Rot:
13 Gypsies:
Scent by the Sea:
Back to the Earth:
Traveling Vardo:
Single Note Fragrance Oils: 2 for $10!
Arabian Oils:
Mainstream Fragrance
Mainstream Eyeshadow Palettes
I've also got a list of mainstream makeup items for sale on MUE, here!, if you'd like to combine an order.
submitted by WineBeast to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

8 Crazy Nights (Complete)

8 Crazy Nights

Apologies for the large post. I should have slapped something together via phone while writing the reviews but alas here we are.

Night 1: Jamie Garcia Reserva Especial

Not as dark as the pictures I see online, not sure what I’m smoking here. Looks a bit odd, soft to the touch. Pre light draw is perfect, woody maybe. Starts off with that blast of pepper you come to expect from My Fathers. Spicy start to the cigar. A familiar sweetness enters. It reminds me of a La Antiguedad or a Flor de Las Antillas. Ash is holding like a champ at the 2/3 mark. Crisis hits at the wrapper, some leaf is pulled! Spit fixes the problem. No harm done, it smoked great all the way to the nub. Very much enjoyed this one, will smoke again.

Night 2: CAO Italia Ciao

Pre light draw tells me this will smoke well but I don’t pick up strong flavor. Much different than my first cigar of the night which brings me to reminisce on why I smoke these things. I’m brought to ‘living with the land’ where various earthy and herbal tones assault my senses. First 1/3 through and I’m very happy with the selection, though I don’t see it as a go to. Reaching the halfway point I can only describe the flavor as an earthy sweetness. I find myself grateful to experience the flavors here as they would not be accessible if it weren’t for cigars. Wrapper comes off without a hitch. Second half there a bit more sweet, cocoa’ey flavor coming through.

Night 3: CAO Brazilia Gol

Last nights italia went so well I decided to bust out a Brazilia. Drag has a little more resistance but is still in the range of greatness. Much different flavors than the italia, better suited for my pallet. Strongest is that maduroy taste. I see some tooth on the ash so I know I caught this one at a good age. This is the second Brazilia I’ve smoked and the first was a bit bland. Band came off fine, flavor has mellowed out not much exciting happening. It’s raining so I may be rushing this one, wish I could smoke inside.

Night 4: Padron Anniversary 1964

After hearing the news about Mr. Padron I felt obligated to pull one out. My wife didn’t seem to agree but she’s not a fan of the guys work like I am. Pre light draw is just right. Wrappers a bit lose but it’s no big deal. Lights up and immediately I’m engulfed in fluffy white smoke. Delicious from the start with some spices and sweetness. Cocoa and smooth, little creamy around the half way point. Wrapper comes off without a hitch. Savored to the nub.

Night 5: LFD La Nox

COTM and one of my personal favorite. For this baby I walked about a mile from a Toyota dealership where I dropped my car off for scheduled maintenance, a ritual I undergo every 5000 miles or so. Except this time it was snowing pretty hard. I hadn’t been to this shop in a few months and since then they had built a ‘podcast cafe’ on the second floor. A pod cast called ‘the cigar authority’ was broadcasting live. Well this made the snowy walk well worth it. Onto the cigar, perfect draw and I light it up faster than I pay for it. So far these have been consistently excellent and this ones the same. Lot of flavor here, I’d say primarily a floral sweetness. The ash is light in color and holding strong. First third down, creamy notes surfacing. Ash tapped off easily, got it in the tray before it ended up on my lap. Final third coming up, strength really picked up as I expect with these. Coffee at this podcast cafe is also strong as hell so it’s pairing well. Coming to the stub. That floral sweetness from the start has faded, more earthy notes present. This cigar always leaves me satisfied.

Night 6: Roma Craft CroMagnon

I picked this to be my second mate in conquering the first snow mess of the year. Sweet and earthy, cocoa seems very prevalent and there is some spice. That maduro fruity sweetness is familiar. As for the snow; it was cold.

Night 7: Juan Lopez Seleccion Suprema UK Exclusive, 2009 Release

See above link to previous post.

Night 8: Oliva Serie v Melanio

Before I make an impulse buy on some of these on sale @ Holts I decide to think it through a smoke. I’ve had a Robusto sitting around from a few of these I picked up over the summer. It’s a little damaged near the foot but is otherwise pristine. Cocoa and pepper are the first things I pick up. A little bit further and notes of bread and nuts come out. This is a tasty stick for sure, that Holts deal sure is calling my name. About half way through the nuttiness is showing as the primary note. The ash is very toothy and the smoke is creamy and smooth. More flavors as I round the final third. A mocha sweetness has come forward. Smooth to the nub and look at that I bought both.
And that's all I got. I really enjoyed writing these. Here's an Album with all 8.
submitted by manofoz to cigars [link] [comments]

[SELL/SWAP][US to world] Full sizes, partials, and many samples! 75+ fragrances! Dollar-bin samples! Treats with all orders! Hear-ye, hear-ye! (ha..)

Shipping starts at $3 (within US). $10 minimum order, please. Will quote international shipping as needed. Shipping to Canada has been ~$10 and the UK ~$14. I do ask international orders total $15 prior to shipping as there's a bit more work involved.
Payment via PayPal F&F, please, unless you would like to cover the fees.
PARTIALS AND DRAMS (all in original bottles!):
Haus of Gloi:
Lou Lou's:
Deconstructing Eden
Solstice Scents:
Ten Three Labs:
Wylde Ivy
Traveling Vardo:
Single Note Fragrance Oils: 2 for $10! - Dragon's Blood, 15 mL, full - $6 - Snuggles (like dryer sheets :) ), 15 mL, full - $6 - Egyptian Amber, 15 mL, full - $6 - Amber, 15 mL, full - $6 - Suntan Lotion, 15 mL, full - $6 - Sandalwood and Myrrh, 15 mL, full - $6
Arabian Oils:
Mainstream Fragrance
Mainstream Eyeshadow Palettes: (verification available)
I've also got a list of mainstream makeup items for sale on MUE, here!, if you'd like to combine an order.
submitted by WineBeast to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

[SELL/SWAP][US to any!] More scents added 3/21 - all with scent descriptions to save you from googling! NAVA, BPAL, S92, Alkemia, CP, SS, Possets, HoG, and more. Pyramid Vanille, anyone?

Shipping starts at $3 (within US). $10 minimum order, please. Will quote international shipping as needed. Shipping to Canada and UK has been around $10, and I do ask international orders total $20 prior to shipping as there's a bit more work involved.
Payment via PayPal F&F, please, unless you would like to cover the fees.
I've also got a list of mainstream makeup items for sale on MUE, here!, if you'd like to combine an order.
Cocoa Pink
Solstice Scents
Delightful Riot
13 Gypsies
Whisper Sisters:
Haus of Gloi:
Scent by the Sea:
Wylde Ivy
Back to the Earth:
Single Notes: 2 for $10!
Arabian Oils:
Mainstream Fragrance
Mainstream Eyeshadow Palettes
Also destashing more makeup on MUE here!
submitted by WineBeast to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

[Sunday Swap][Sell/Swap][US to any][Perfume] Many samples, partials, and FS! Scent descriptions listed for each. I always ship extra goodies too! :)

Shipping starts at $3 (within US). $10 minimum order, please. Will quote international shipping as needed. Shipping to Canada and UK has been around $10, and I do ask international orders total $20 prior to shipping as there's a bit more work involved.
Payment via PayPal F&F, please, unless you would like to cover the fees.
I've also got a list of mainstream makeup items for sale on MUE, here!, if you'd like to combine an order.
Cocoa Pink
Solstice Scents
Delightful Rot
13 Gypsies
Whisper Sisters:
Haus of Gloi:
Scent by the Sea:
Wylde Ivy
Back to the Earth:
Single Notes: 2 for $10!
Arabian Oils:
Mainstream Fragrance
Mainstream Eyeshadow Palettes
Also destashing more makeup on MUE here!
submitted by WineBeast to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

[SUNDAY SWAP][Sell/Swap][US to any][Perfume] Some FS and partials, many samples - updated 4/2! Scent descriptions for each. NAVA, BPAL, Sixteen92, Possets, HoG, SS, and more!

Shipping starts at $3 (within US). $10 minimum order, please. Will quote international shipping as needed. Shipping to Canada and UK has been around $10, and I do ask international orders total $20 prior to shipping as there's a bit more work involved.
Payment via PayPal F&F, please, unless you would like to cover the fees.
I've also got a list of mainstream makeup items for sale on MUE, here!, if you'd like to combine an order.
Haus of Gloi:
Cocoa Pink
Solstice Scents
Delightful Rot:
13 Gypsies:
Whisper Sisters:
Scent by the Sea:
Wylde Ivy
Back to the Earth:
Single Notes: 2 for $10!
Arabian Oils:
Mainstream Fragrance
Mainstream Eyeshadow Palettes
Also destashing more makeup on MUE here!
submitted by WineBeast to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

WEEKLY EVENTS 3/28 – 4/4

WEEKLY EVENTS 3/28 – 4/4
Friday is First Friday and Saturday is Springtime Tallahassee. There’s a parade, all kinds of stuff in the downtown parks, music, food. Go down there and enjoy it.
Tally’s Independent Cinema and Theater Offerings:
The FSU Circus is proud to announce the 2016 spring show series "Action!".Click here for schedule and details.
Check here for the current run of excursions offered by Camp Folks. If you want to check out the local outdoors, this seems to be a good group to go with.
  • Tallahassee Senior Center: Breaking Down Barriers - a complimentary, pre-film reception, followed by "Glen Campbell, I'll Be Me". “This award winning film is about country-music legend Glen Campbell, his diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in 2011, & his poignant 2012 farewell tour. Film will be followed by a panel discussion of advocates and experts, moderated by Tallahassee City Commissioner Gil Ziffer.” 6:30pm
  • The Moon: Of Montreal. 7pm/$20
  • Bryan Hall Learning Community: Movie Night w/ Mad Max: Fury Road. 7:30pm
  • Encore Nightclub: Discover: San Holo. 10pm/18+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Wednesday Night Lab Session Hosted by Jim Crozier, featuring Dylan Ragpicker Allen. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Quizmaster General Knowledge Trivia. “Quizmaster is hosted by Bennett Miller from 7-9pm every Wednesday, and features three rounds of general knowledge trivia (and a weekly food special). It is free to play and teams of up to 6 are welcome. The winner of each round receives a sample flight, and the Quizmaster for the night receives a $25 gift card and serious credit on Geek Street.” 7pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Trivia With Greg. 7pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: BYOBG! Bring Your Own Board Game. “Our gracious host, Trevor Bond, will be featuring one game each week. Feel free to bring your own games to play & share.” 7pm/21+
  • The Junction at Monroe: Live Band Karaoke. 7pm/$6 coveBYOB
  • The Fox and Stag: Ladies Night with DJ Loden. 7pm-9pm.
  • Proof: Bar Trivia With Hank. Here’s what I suggest: pick up an order to go at the Crumbox Gastgarden, bring it on down to Proof, order a brimming glass of locally brewed deliciousness, and show off all those random factoids you thought you’d never use. 7:30pm/21+/no cover
  • Krewe de Gras: Trivia with Mr. Matt. $40 first prize 8pm
  • The Warehouse: Open Mic. “There is a lottery for time slots. Now smoke free!” 8pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke With Nathan. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Bird’s: Comedy Night. I’m pretty sure this is both a performance and an open mic. 9:30pm/free
  • FSU Conference Center: TechExpo 2016. “This year, TechExpo has partnered with FSU's Digitech Conference to promote student innovation and collaboration in the Big Bend. Come explore students' creative works, tech start-ups, apps, and robotic exhibits. This is your opportunity to network with top-tier STEM students, recruit local talent, and participate in their Shark Tank-style competition and awards ceremony.” 7am-10pm
  • Ghazvini Center for Healthcare Education: Women's History Month Celebration. “TCC invites you to celebrate Women's History Month with us as we honor several outstanding women in our community! This year's theme is "Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government." Our keynote speaker is Christina K. Daly, secretary of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. The ceremony will also feature a performance from the TCC African Drum and Dance Ensemble and the TCC forensics team.” 6pm
  • Crystal Portal: Sound Healing Journey: Singing Bowl & Didgeridoo Sound Healing. “Please hydrate well before coming and bring water to integrate the sounds you’ll be experiencing throughout the evening. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat or blanket if you wish to lie down during the session. A few mats and pillows are available along with serving Free Hot tea. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so you have time to settle into a comfortable position by 7pm. You are welcome to join us if the healing has already begun but please do so quietly.” 7pm/Sliding Scale Fee: $15-30
  • Crum Box Gastgarden: Wednesday Evening Gastgarden Sessions featuring Nate D'Angelo. 7pm
  • Ruby Diamond: Semi-Toned. “Comprised of 13 current students from the University of Exeter in The United Kingdom, SEMI-TONED is the reigning University Champion of Voice Festival UK, having won this honor in April 2015. With their trademark musical wit and charisma, five-star reviews, and a Bobby Award for being one of the most highly rated shows of the 2014 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, SEMI-TONED has wowed audiences both in the UK and the United States. SEMI-TONED’s performance will feature two fantastic a cappella groups from Florida State – AcaBelles and All-Night Yahtzee. You don’t want to miss this!” 7:30pm
  • Side Bar: THE NTH POWER (New Orleans) w/ Wolf & Witness & Adam Hendley. 9pm/$14
  • Lake Ella Area: Food Truck Thursday with Mimi Hearn and the Hearn Dogs. 6pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Open Mic. “The only open mic that pays the performers! Bring your instruments and play an open slot or just come and be entertained in Tallahassee's best sounding room!” Doors and registration open at 7pm/$10/BYOB (no coolers, cups, or non-alcoholic drinks allowed)
  • HalfTime Pie Pub: Trivia. Check the Pub FB page for a theme and possible bonus points. 8pm
  • Crum Box Gastgarden: Thursday Evening Sessions with Libby O'Neill. 8pm
  • Gaines Street Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank @ Warhorse Whiskey Bar. With a picture round! Sound round! Speed round! Hoarder’s Delight drawing! And all the other trivias! Win a delicious 18” pizza! 8pm
  • Dux (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Big Bob. $25 bar tab given away every week. 8:30pm-12:30pm
  • Midtown Caboose: Trivia Factory. 8:30pm
  • Pockets: Karaoke Dance Party with Keith Welch. 9pm/21+
  • Applebees on Cap Cir: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Birds: Karaoke Hosted By Jumpin Jams. Some of the most diverse and longest running karaoke in town. 10pm
  • Down Below (Under Barnacle Bills): Karaoke with Davin. 10pm
  • Goodwood: Centuries of Settings. “A new exhibit at Goodwood tells the story of ceramic use and dining customs through the ages using the museum’s porcelain collection and archaeological artifacts from the region. Goodwood has partnered with the Florida Division of Historical Resources, the Florida Public Archaeology Network, and the Tallahassee Porcelain Arts Guild to present this fabulous exhibit. Join us for the exhibit and series of free and ticketed events that take a fresh look at time-honored traditions. Here are the details.
  • Louis Shores Building, FSU: Free Headshot Event at FSU. “Professional attire is recommended!” 4:30pm-7pm
  • The Pod Advertising: PeaHarmony 2016. “This is your oppurtunity to make a hapPEA intership match! Many will try, but only a select few will make it into The Pod. Participants will rotate between 6 or more interview stations for 3-minute interviews with agency leaders and some of your very own PEArs. Internships Available: Graphics/ Digital Content/ Video Production/ Account Service.” 5pm
  • Civic Center: Line Dance: Showcase of the Arts. “The Largest Greek-run philanthropy at Florida State University is back this year better than ever. On March 31st, seventeen sorority teams will face off in a dance competition under the lights of the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. This years event will also feature a step show, Marching Chief performance and an exhibition by the Golden Girls. The fraternities of Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa and Phi Delta Theta invite you to watch this one of a kind philanthropy event.” 7:30pm
  • Black Dog on the Square: Literary Night featuring Carol Lynne Knight. 7pm
  • Opperman Music Hall: Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea). “This spring, FSU Opera presents the 2nd of Claudio Monteverdi's operas, " L'incoronazione di Poppea." This Italian baroque opera, updated to a contemporary setting, illuminates the dramatic love stories and murderous plots that surrounded Emperor Nero's reign and the rise of his mistress, Poppea, to Queen. Baroque specialist, Maestro Daniel Beckwith, will be leading a continuo group of period instruments for this exciting production of "The Coronation of Poppea." 7:30pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: JACUZZI BOYS w/ Echo Base, Naps & Yikes. 9pm/$10
  • Liberty Bar: The Tyler Denning Band, Wolf & Witness And The Brown Goose. 10pm/$6
  • Parlay Sports Bar: Karaoke with Big Bob. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • 926 Lounge (Formerly Pugs): The Friday Night Party. “Get ready to dance your A$$ off at the Club-Side Party from 9pm to 2am with high energy music from DJ Carben and DJ Double G along with the best show in Tallahassee at midnight starring Ms. Debra Adams and members of our fabulous Queen team!” 9pm/$5/18+
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Paul. 8:30pm
  • Down Below (Under Barnacle Bill’s): Karaoke with DJ Scott Long. 10pm
  • Stetsons @ The Moon: Karaoke with Johnny Ray. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Landis Green: Puppies & Pizza. “Come out and play with some puppies while enjoying some pizza, baked goods, and a chance to take cute photos at a puppy photo booth! As we are baking delicious sweet treats and providing fun props for the photo booth, we ask that you provide a small donation that will be donated to Relay for Life!” 3pm
  • Kleman Plaza: Music Festival with Josh Turner. 6pm/free
  • Mount Beasor Primitive Baptist Church (Sopchoppy): The Inspirations. 7pm
  • Lucky Goat Coffee: Tallahassee Latte Art Throwdown: April Fool's Edition. “It's that time again. Come out and test your latte art skills, hang out and make some friends. There might even be a little April Fool's silliness. And I bet there will be beer.” 7:30pm
  • Opperman Music Hall: Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea). “This spring, FSU Opera presents the 2nd of Claudio Monteverdi's operas, " L'incoronazione di Poppea." This Italian baroque opera, updated to a contemporary setting, illuminates the dramatic love stories and murderous plots that surrounded Emperor Nero's reign and the rise of his mistress, Poppea, to Queen. Baroque specialist, Maestro Daniel Beckwith, will be leading a continuo group of period instruments for this exciting production of "The Coronation of Poppea." 7:30pm
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Greg Tish Celebrity Roast. “Join us on April Fool's Day for our first Celebrity Roast. Greg Tish, Tallahassee's most eligible bachelor and local legend (it's true, just ask him) will be up on the chopping block as other local celebs take pop-shots at him. It's payback time for the biggest prankster in 7 counties. The evening will be filled with music, comedy, and a few secret, special guest appearances.” 7pm/$10/byob
  • Midtown Studios: Midtown's Weekend Pass Event Series. Comedy. A Night of Comedy with Lawrence Singleton. 7:30pm/$15 for one night, $30 for all three
  • Backwoods Bistro: Frank Jones Trio. 8pm
  • Crum Box Gastgarden: First Friday featuring The Saplings. 8:30pm
  • Club Downunder: Standup Downunder. “This is the seventh show in our first Friday local comedy series! Come relax and experience the comedy of local students and community members alike. If you have ever wanted to try comedy yourself, sign up at the production table the day of the event. We have 15 slots, first come first serve!” 8:30pm/GP $5/18+
  • Side Bar: Sway Jah Vu EP release w/ Flat Land(Gainesville), Rachel Hillman, Form & J Cruz from Ethnikids DJ set. 9pm/$7
  • Kavakaze: KidDEAD Tour Kick-off and Tape Release with Versailles the Everything, MF GOON, Kayla Gordon and Furlough Noir. 9pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Mr. Sipp. 9pm
  • Park at Monroe: The Downtown Marketplace. 9am
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “The Frenchtown Heritage Market offers a wide variety of fresh, naturally grown produce. Live music, cooking demos, fruits vegetables, and honey sold directly by farmers.” I bought some beet jelly there last week, and it’s delicious. 9am – 1pm.
  • Wakulla Springs Lodge: Bob Carey on Piano. “Come on out and bring along your vocal chops, browse through my lyrics book, pick up one of my pass-around mics and sing your heart out, or just grab a stool and enjoy a fun filled evening of music and dancing. Full bar open til late.” 7pm
  • Salty Dawg: Karaoke with Paul. Family friendly! 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Cowboy Chris. 9pm
  • El Patron: Pasion Latina. Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton. 9pm
  • Down Below (Under Barnacle Bills): Karaoke With Devin. If you want to sing and drink cheap beer and liquor and not have to wait for huge crowds, this is your spot. 10pm
  • 926 Lounge: Sanctuary (formerly Blue Monday). 10pm/$35
  • Rock Landing Marina (Panacea): 2016 Trash Fish Classic. Go here for the rules. 7am
  • Main Library: Spring Title Wave Used Book Sale. “We'll be offering amazing prices on books, DVDs, and more at the Collins Main Library before, during, and after the Springtime Tallahassee parade...and we'll also be doing a drawing for 2 free tickets to Elizabeth Gilbert's April 5 talk via Opening Nights Performing Arts (must become a new or renewing member by 4/2 to be eligible)!” 9am
  • Downtown: 48th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Festival: Jubilee. “With more than 200 arts, craft and food vendors from around the country, this event is represented by some of the best! You can expect artists displaying original, handmade masterpieces, and find cuisine with international flavors to ignite anyone’s taste buds! Bring the kids and check out the children’s park with a gulf specimen marine lab touch tank, pony rides, face painting, puppet show and more.” 9am-5pm
  • Capitol Building: Springtime Tallahassee Concert. 9am
  • Tallahassee Nurseries: Succulents! “Steve Chandler will give a talk on successfully growing succulents. We have a great selection, large and small, of these wonderful unique plants that are so fun to grow.” 10am
  • Esposito: Beekeeping Basics & Open Hive Demonstration. “Charles Futch, with the Appalachee Beekeepers Association, will teach a class about everything you need to get started with beekeeping. Following the presentation, Chuck Boooker will open the hives and let you get an up close and personal look at Esposito's bees.” 10am
  • Tallahassee Senior Center: Tallahassee Stamp & Cover Club presents TALPEX 2016. “Largest stamp show in north Florida. Free admission, free appraisals, and free parking! Buy, sell, and trade. Several stamp dealers will be on-site along with educational exhibits. Hourly door prizes and more!” 10am
  • North Monroe Street: 48th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Festival: Grand Parade. “Being one of the largest parades in the southeast the Springtime Tallahassee Grand Parade, presented by Tobacco Free Florida needs no introduction. Come see over 100 colorful units and floats, marching bands, dance groups, Springtime Krewe floats, and much more!” 10:30am
  • The Globe: Success in Service: Life After Peace Corps (FSU). “Success in Service: Life after Peace Corps is a student-organized, TED-style program featuring diverse, passionate Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who share their stories about how service impacted their personal and professional trajectory.” 11am
  • Mickee Faust Clubhouse: The F-Word Presents: Take No More Fest 2016, Night 1. “Formerly known as Lady Fest, Take No More Fest is an event to celebrate and highlight all of the very talented folks in Tallahassee who are sick of gender based oppression. Take No More means we will not tolerate any more of the hypermasculine and cissexist shit we constantly see in punk and art communities. We will use this day as a platform to sing, scream and yell that we will TAKE NO MORE!” 4pm/$5 for the day, $8 for two days
Night Witch 11:00 - 11:30
Gorgeous 10:20 - 10:50
En Ami 9:40 - 10:10
Blemish 9:00 - 9:30
Ex-novia 8:20 - 8:50
SPEW 7:40 - 8:10
Annacrusis 7:00 - 7:30
Lingua Franca 6:20 - 6:50
Isabella Folmar 5:40 - 6:10
Kayla Gordan 5:00 - 5:30
Doors: 4:00pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Marc Broussard. 5pm/$25, $100 VIP
  • Esposito: Aquaponics 101. “Lowell Collins, founder of Tallahassee Aquaponics, will teach you everything you need to know to build a new aquaponics system or improve an existing one. He will cover required materials, nutrient cycling, the benefits of utilizing fish in your growing system, maintenance requirements, and much more! Following the seminar, Lowell will be available to answer any questions you might have about a new or existing aquaponics system. This seminar will be great for novices and experienced growers alike!” 7pm
  • Waterworks: Little Mystic w/ Wit Derls. 7pm/$5
  • B Sharps Jazz: John Coltrane: A Celebration of Life and Music. “Come out to B Sharps Jazz Club to hear 2 sets of music by John O'Leary and friends! We'll be presenting the life and music of the great saxophonist and composer John Coltrane. The band will consist of the following: John O'Leary - Tenor Saxophone; Kalen Mercer - Alto Saxophone; Will Fulkerson – Piano; Brian Hall – Bass; Adam Hendley – Drums ...and special guest Tyler Wertman on trombone.” 7pm/$10
  • Ruby Diamond: Demetri Martin. 7pm/GP $25
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Beat the Beetus Benefit Show. The Line Up is listed here. 7pm
  • Opperman Music Hall: Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea). “This spring, FSU Opera presents the 2nd of Claudio Monteverdi's operas, " L'incoronazione di Poppea." This Italian baroque opera, updated to a contemporary setting, illuminates the dramatic love stories and murderous plots that surrounded Emperor Nero's reign and the rise of his mistress, Poppea, to Queen. Baroque specialist, Maestro Daniel Beckwith, will be leading a continuo group of period instruments for this exciting production of "The Coronation of Poppea." 7:30pm
  • Civic Center: A Sweet Escape: Pride Prom 2016. “Come out and experience prom your way in an LGBTQ+ inclusive environment where all genders and sexual orientations are accepted. Dress how you want to dress and bring the date or friends you want to bring. Party at Pride's biggest event of the year as we take over the Civic Center for an unforgettable night! Enjoy dancing, music from a live DJ, food, games, and a photobooth! Dress however makes you feel cute.” 8pm/free
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Eric Taylor w/Lori Kline. 8pm/$15
  • Midtown Studios: Midtown's Weekend Pass Event Series. One Act Play: Sorry, Wrong Number. 8pm/$15 for one night, $30 for all three
  • Atmosphere Pub: SoulSwitch w/ Casual Sam, Stormcraft and more TBA. 8pm
  • The Moon: SOJA. 8pm/$25
  • American Legion Hall: Spring Under the Stars. “This is the 1st Annual Beltane Ball, come Join us on April 2nd at the American Legion Hall. It will be a fun night of dancing and music. The music will be provided by Bedhead Betty.” 8pm/$10
  • Side Bar: Local Band Saturday: Backlash Band w/ In Between & The Jade Limbo. 9pm/$7
  • Bird’s Oyster Bar: PIECES (1982): A Trash Cinema Night 5 Year Anniversary Shindig! “Sink your teeth into the BEST damn burger in town, wash it down with a pitcher of your favorite adult beverage and prepare for an evening of chainsaw carnage, skinny dipping, stoners talking about fucking on waterbeds, unexplained teenage skulls, Wendy's burgers and fries, pants pissing, awkward skateboarding, random kung-fu, red herrings a plenty, several climaxes, and so many gut churning death scenes and naked breasts, you;ll think you've died and ascended to Trash Cinema Heaven...or is that descended? EITHER WAY! Come out and celebrate 5 Fun and Filthy Years of Trash Cinema Nights at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack! Just think, one day you'll be able to tell illegitimate love children that you were there!” 9pm/18+
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Jarekus Singleton. 10pm
  • Lake Ella: Sunday Brunch Featuring Travelin’ Light. “The Spring Concert Series is here! Come out to Lake Ella every Sunday for food trucks and live music!” 11am-2pm
  • Salty Dawg Pub & Deli: The Famous Acoustic Jam w/ Wayne, Glenn, and Bo. Open mic, free beer for performers. 6pm
  • Bicycle House: Bicycle House/Joyride Collective Sunrise Gran Fondo. “This is a 110 mile route/ ride with some hills, some "roadbike-able" dirt roads, a couple of nice towns... hopefully nice weather... This ride is a no sag, no amenities whatsoever. Everyone is completely on their own and completely responsible for finding their way... That being said, this is a beautiful route... Average speed should be around 20mph. donations to Bicycle House are appreciated, but not required. Please attend! We are going to have a lot of fun...” 6:35am
  • Bald Point State Park: Coastal Birding With Marvin. “Marvin Collins is going birding at Bald Point State Park and you are welcome to join him. This is a good time of year to visit the coast to observe sea birds, marsh birds and migrating songbirds. You will have the benefit of Marvin’s birding expertise to help you identify these sometimes confusing species. If there is time, Marvin will take the group to Alligator Point (many birds utilize the power lines there) and then make a quick stop at Mash’s Sands. Meet at 7:00AM on Sunday at the Well’s Fargo Bank parking lot at the intersection of South Monroe Street and Paul Russell Road, across the street from the Florida Fair Grounds entrance. You may carpool from there if there are other willing participants, or you can meet at the entrance to the Bald Point State Park (at the north/east end of Alligator Point where the Ochlockonee River enters the Gulf) at 8:00AM. Bring your binoculars, field guides, sunscreen, water, snacks, etc.” $8 adults, $4 kids
  • Governor’s Park: Coffee Outside. “We will be meeting at the Governors Park, ride with a group from any of our starting points or just meet us there. Bring a stove, coffee making device and coffee/tea/cocoa and we will enjoy each others company while sipping. Afterwards folks can ride off on their own, head to brunch or a group ride.” 9am
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Rockin for Renee Fundraiser. “Music featuring Big Poppa & the Shuffle Brothers, Blues Factor, Keith Taylor Band, and Kevin Warren. Proceeds benefit the Garcia family medical expense fund.” 3pm/$15
  • Midtown Studios: Midtown's Weekend Pass Event Series. MidTalks: A Conversation with FoundeDirector of MLG Productions, Markeshia Luree Gorden. 3pm/$15 for one night, $30 for all three
  • Mickee Faust Clubhouse: The F-Word Presents: Take No More Fest 2016, Night 1. “Formerly known as Lady Fest, Take No More Fest is an event to celebrate and highlight all of the very talented folks in Tallahassee who are sick of gender based oppression. Take No More means we will not tolerate any more of the hypermasculine and cissexist shit we constantly see in punk and art communities. We will use this day as a platform to sing, scream and yell that we will TAKE NO MORE!” 4pm/$5 for the day, $8 for two days
Naps. 11:00 - 11:30
So What 10:20 - 10:50
Versailles The Everything 9:40 - 10:10
Mercury Blood 9:00 - 9:30
Scabs 8:20 - 8:50
Grooveslave 7:00 - 7:30
Ampersand 6:20 - 6:50
Kilo Tango 5:40 - 6:10
Bat Magic Preservation Society 5:00 - 5:30
  • Proof: Tallahassee Music Week Kickoff w/Crossroads Bluegrass Band. 3pm/free
  • Opperman Music Hall: Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea). “This spring, FSU Opera presents the 2nd of Claudio Monteverdi's operas, " L'incoronazione di Poppea." This Italian baroque opera, updated to a contemporary setting, illuminates the dramatic love stories and murderous plots that surrounded Emperor Nero's reign and the rise of his mistress, Poppea, to Queen. Baroque specialist, Maestro Daniel Beckwith, will be leading a continuo group of period instruments for this exciting production of "The Coronation of Poppea." 3pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: New Orleans Suspects. 6pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Bar Trivia With Hank. $30 food & bar tab for first place. Specials on shots and $2 margaritas. 7 :30pm
  • Waterworks: Patio Theater. 8:30pm/21+
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke With Nathan. Drink specials and the best selection of songs in town. 9pm
  • FSU Union Green: Take Back the Night. “Take Back the Night is an event spearheaded by VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood, Empowering Women Globally, kNOw MORE, the Womens Student Union, Asian American Student Union, and the Veterans Student Union to raise awareness on sexual assault. It is a night in which we'll come together as a university to Take Back the Night and denounce sexual assault. During this event, we're asking students, faculty, alumni, and the community to come together to stand up, speak out, and fight against sexual assault via a march around the campus to and from the integration statue, a candlelight vigil, and a sharing of stories by student survivors.” 7pm-9pm
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Scotty Barnhart presents the Classic Jam Session Series. “Acclaimed trumpeter, FSU jazz professor, and two-time Grammy Award winner Scotty Barnhart presents the Classic Jam Session Series at J@M. The series features select seasoned jazz musicians and offers a jam session environment to jazz students and other talented performers.” 8pm/$10
  • Shark Tank: Femignome ATL + Heavy Eyes ATL w/Winded and Night Witch. 8:30pm/$5/all ages
Keep checking back, sometimes I update. Got anything to add?
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

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Dormaa-Ahenkro (B/A) Dec. 19, GNA - A United Kingdom company, Biomass UK Limited is partnering two UK-based Ghanaians to process cocoa pods into potash for export and local generation of electricity. The partnership would establish three Pelletizers in the country to produce potash from cocoa pods, hitherto thrown away by farmers, using local labour. Delicious Hot Chocolate pods for all Nespresso machines - a winner for both children and adults. Rated #1 in tests. Order here and save up to 50%. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about cocoa pods? Well you're in luck, because here they come. There are 105 cocoa pods for sale on Etsy, and they cost £14.87 on average. The most common cocoa pods material is metal. The most popular colour? You guessed it: white. FREE UK delivery Favourite ... Cocoa pods earrings Cocoa beans earrings Cocoa lover gift Chocolate lover gift Food earrings Food jewelry Vegan earrings Vegan gift idea ... There are 110 cocoa pod for sale on Etsy, and they cost £16.89 on average. The most common cocoa pod material is metal. The most popular colour? Our cocoa pods are hand picked, sun dried, and shipped to us from Ecuador. These pods contain the beans that chocolate is made from! Learn More. Own a Piece of the world beyond. When you hold a cocoa pod in your hand, you are holding chocolate in its original state! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 50 Whole Cocoa PODS VIABLE ORGANIC Exotic chocolate Cacao- BEST in the World at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Experience chocolate in its original state! The Cocoa Pod shop offers the Cocoa pod in its original form. Shop now , get a 25 pack and save! cocoa beans Select Your Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Pod for sale Solar Worldwide Pod Butt Rests Buzz Bars: 205 £ Nespresso - Zenius Professional - Coffee Machine. 450 Coffee Pods included: 220 £ Sleepyhead CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 80 thousand libraries and is used in over 3 million apps. CocoaPods can help you scale your projects elegantly. Install; ... Search for pods (above). Then list the dependencies in a text file named Podfile in your Xcode project directory:

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How to plant cacao seeds Grow your own Chocolate Tree ...

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