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GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues

GME - EndGame part 4: The Saga Continues
This is an extension of my DD series on GME. If you haven’t read them and have time, they will provide some background on my previous predictions, some of which have already come true. In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on what I think is going on, plus some tips to manage your positions and exits.
TL;DR: Shorts are in but likely want to get out. And they want to get out at the best price possible. See tips for managing positions.

Previous Important Posts

  • EndGame Part 1 (DTC Infinity) covered the short positions, the float, and potential snowball impacts of increasing prices, and argued that part of the reason that shorts haven’t closed was that it was pretty much impossible for shorts to close
  • EndGame Part 2 covered Cohen, fair market cap analysis, and potential investors, in which I talked about the amazing mid-to-long term potential for GME.
  • HEY SEC, if you’re reading please read this one - After the Citron tweet, I shared this fan fiction on what looked like blatant market manipulation by shorts on the day of the tweet, and offered some education on strengthening your position. This one got buried and is worth reading.
  • EndGame Part 3 covered the gamma squeeze, potential shady tactics by MMs, and some tips for staying safe.

What’s happening with the price?

We’re still gamma squeezing

Many media outlets are reporting this as a “short squeeze”. They’re only partially right, as if Melvin isn’t lying they’ve already been squeezed out.
However, the reality is so far we’ve been Gamma squeezing - repeatedly - and some shorts have been casualties along the way.
See this post for a deeper explanation, but the essence of it is that market-makers have to buy shares to hedge the calls they sell. The more calls people buy, the more shares they MMs have to hedge with. As I explained in part 1, GME has ultra low liquidity, i.e. there’s waaaay fewer actively traded shares than what shorts need to buy to cover with, and then when you get lots of people buying calls and shares in the hot new stock it just removes more availability from the market.
As a result, when MMs buy shares to hedge, it moves the price of the underlying up. Combine that with the buying pressure of people piling into a stock climbing 100% a day, shorts getting liquidated, and it’s a perfect storm.
Today, GME closed at $347 (before the after market selloff, but i’ll get to that soon).
320 calls were added yesterday. Similarly, when 115cs were added we squeezed to >115 in two days. Same story with 60c’s etc.
Remember this commentary from EndGame part 3 on Friday’s price action:
Notice how the stock dropped from a high of $75 on Friday to below 60 - the highest expiring SP for the 1/22 options, and stayed tight in range for the rest of the day. Now, for compliance reasons, MM are required to be neutral by EOD, so 20 minutes before close, MMs had to buy back all their short positions, which led to the strong close above 60.
All this led me to believe that the real fair market price for GME was above $65. Without the market makers interference, GME would have closed higher.
Now, what happened today? We opened at $351, more than double the previous close of $145 and after the morning profit taking, we squeezed to a high of $372 as MMs furiously tried to hedge the 320 calls they sold you the day before for peanuts.
See, the thing is, Kenny G doesn’t like to lose money. The magical method Citadel’s market makers make money, is that they sell you call giving you the right to buy shares at a certain price, say $320, for the nice price of $10/share (for example). Now, as long as Citadel’s MMs can buy all the shares they have to give to you for less than $320, that $10 is free money. However, when the underlying moves too fast, the MMs have to buy shares for more than $320, and Kenny G does not like that.
Today was a shock to the MMs that sold all the 320cs yesterday. A six-sigma event after a six-sigma event after a six-sigma event. Yet again, within days (a day?) of offering new, higher strikes - every call option ever sold was in the money, before they had a chance to adequately hedge.
So, just as on Friday, if the price got too high above $320, market makers dug into their bag of tricks to start selling it off. (People taking profits here helped too.) However, multiple times, when GME went below $300, MMs took their opportunity to hedge the 1/29 calls. So, just as before, we traded in a tight range around the highest strike.
My conclusion from this action the first time was that GME’s fair price was being actively suppressed, and it proceeded to 5x in the next few days. There’s a possibility we’re in a replay and will see more upward movement on delta hedging alone.
The point of this is: I think shorts are feeling the squeeze, for sure, reporting massive mark-to-market losses. But I believe the shorts are still in.

Shorts are still in

As of Wednesday morning, Ortex was estimating a short interest of 65M shares, down from 71M shares the day before.
If you’ve read my Part 1 (DTC Infinity), you’ll hopefully recall my thesis that there are actually less than 24M shares available, and therefore that it would be nigh impossible for shorts to close. Since then a slew of new investors have piled in to buy and hold GME, from little guys like us to big-ass-whales like Blackrock increasing their holdings to 13% of GME.
So what? I think the available shares for shorts to buy are down to under 20M, and they have to buy 65M shares to close. Shorts have barely begun to cover. We’ve only been increasing the cost of their exits!
Now, let’s talk about Melvin Capital. I loved watching Chamath defend retail investors and argue against the institutional leveraged shorting that got us here in the first place, but I also learned something interesting that helped me understand how the 140% short interest had in the first place, and how the unwinding may go.
At 2:10 Chamath saysGabe Plotkin is one of the giants of our era, but at the end of the day, what happens is that his trades are copied by umpteen other hedge funds that follow along
This tells me 2 things:
  • A lot of hedge funds (likely Maplelane, D1, Viking, Point72, and more) followed each other into this short. Much like retards like us get behind good DD shared in the open, these institutional retards got together with their cigars and golf clubs behind closed doors and decided together to go in together against GME.
  • If Melvin is really out, it’s unlikely the other funds are going to want to stay in, lest they be compared poorly to Melvin if GME continues to go against them. The other shorts want out.
Chamath also tells us that prime brokers (the brokers that hedge funds use) are seeing “the biggest 4-day degrossing from hedge funds they’ve ever seen”.
Again, the problem is - there just aren’t enough shares. Shorts have dug themselves a massive grave by shorting more shares in existence and continuing to short while Cohen grabbed up 9M shares, institutions added to their positions, and retail traders piled in.
For boomers like this tard that can’t understand why the price is so high - go back to Econ 101, supply and demand bitch.

It’s costing shorts incredible $ to hold their positions

Here’s all the ways shorts are losing money.
  • They pay borrow fees to loan the stock. At one point today, the GME stock borrow fee hit 250% for new borrows. At $300/share that’s $2/day. That doesn’t sound like much right? What if you shorted at $50?
  • The short position on GME has ballooned to $25BN from a low of $1B. The borrow fees are applied to the latest closing price, not the price you shorted at.
  • Funds are paying interest fees on the margin they are using for the short
  • And oh yeah, GME’s up like 800% in 5 days.

Dirty tactics continue

At this point, I think “THEY” have figured out that gamma squeezes are absolutely destroying hedge funds. So what do they do?
    • This is insane. Funds, prime brokerages, and market makers all stood to lose money so they disabled trading of GME due to "volatility". Citadel invests in Melvin capital. Then brokerages shut down buying!
  • Brokerages down
  • Options not loading
  • Restrict retail trading on GME
    • I’m seeing reports that retail buyers not allowed to hold more than 100 GME options now
  • This is a direct defense against more gamma squeezes and an attack on retail investors, giving institutions a distinct advantage.
  • HEY Shortsellers Enrichment Corporation - how is it ok for Citron to buy thousands of puts minutes before their tweet and how is it ok for prime brokers to give hedge funds 10-100x leverage, but the little guys can’t have more than 100 options total?
    • Personally, I don’t really do 100s of options all at once but now I really want to. Fuck this.
  • More short ladder attacks. Look at after-hours trading on GME - a rapid short ladder attack during low-volume trading in order to bring the price down.
  • If you use stop losses on GME and leave them on, you will get stop-loss hunted.

Ripple effects of the squeeze
  • These hedge funds that are short GME, are also short other equities like BBBY, AMC, etc.
  • These hedge funds are also long other shares with leverage, so the ONLY way they’re staying alive and not covering their shorts, is that they’re reducing their long leverage. This means selloffs in the broader market as they have to shore up their margin requirements against the massive short squeezes in their portfolios.

I believe we’re at a tipping point

  • I don’t believe shorts have really covered yet. They have defended by getting capital infusions and reducing their long leverage. I.e. they have begun liquidating long positions.
  • If GME climbs more, they will be forced to cover and liquidate.

Things to be careful about

As you can see, this is no easy win. In addition to the suggestions I wrote about in this post, here’s some things to be careful about.
  • There are threats to halt trading. Shares are safe, they do not expire. Calls can be destroyed by tactics like buying halts.
  • Be careful about swapping ITM calls for OTM calls: it can be tempting to trade-up your options for higher return, but be mindful of the delta impact. You may actually be driving the sale of shares by MMs when you don’t mean to. For example, if you sell a .5 delta call for 2 .2 delta calls, that’s net reduction of 10 shares that MMs have to hold long as leverage.
  • Be careful about being short any calls this week: Not only do you limit your upside (which is dumb in the prospect of a squeeze), you could end up in a nightmare scenario. A call that ends OTM on Friday could end up ITM after hours if you didn’t sell it, and you may get assigned while the underlying continues to go up. Close spreads if your short legs are deep ITM unless you want to risk early assignment and high hard-to-borrow fees.
  • There are a few other dirty tactics shorts can play. I’m not specifically going to share them here because I don’t want to give the ideas circulation, but
    • Choose your own limit sells based on personal sell points. Don’t copy others and don’t try to be memey. Make your own decisions.
    • Stop sharing your positions publicly. I know this is anti-wsb, and I think sharing them is great for this community, but in the case of GME it’s an attack vector for you.
  • Be careful of holding weeklies until expiration. Remember the multiple trading halts? What if trading gets halted on Friday at 2pm and doesn’t resume for the rest of the day? All your 1/29 calls would expire worthless. Depending on your broker and your cash positions, maybe even your ITM ones. Roll (or sell, if you’re taking profits) your weeklies well before expiration.
  • Be careful about buying on margin. Brokers are rapidly increasing margins. If you bought on margin with 2:1 leverage, and the stock went up 100%, you’d be in margin call even without a margin change. If the broker moves margin against you, you’ll get to margin call faster.
  • Don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. I’ve been in GME long enough to know that just when you think going up is a sure thing (remember last Monday with the short sale restriction?), you can be surprised by a new trick. If you bet it all on weeklies all at once, you may not be able to recover from being wrong on the timing. Consider longer expiry or spreading your purchases out. I’ve held through multiple 30-40% drawdowns in the underlying; and held through a 50% drawdown today, so you need to be ready for the volatility.
  • Watch out for stop loss hunts. It’s common practice for shorts to hunt for stop losses for cheap shares. If you’ve set a stop loss, be really sure about it.
  • Don’t sell on dips. You’re only helping the shorts. If you need to sell to take profits, sell when it’s heading up. Sell high, not low retards.
  • Save dry powder to buy on dips. Dips manufactured by shorts are buying opportunities. Take advantage of folks with paper hands to capture shares at low points. GME has incredible daily volatility. Set a low limit buy and just wait for the order to fill. Have patience when buying.
This is not financial advice; do your own DD. I’m holding over $1M in shares and calls. I AM NOT SELLING WHEN THE BUYING MARKET HAS BEEN REMOVED. YOU ARE BOUND TO NOT GET A FAIR MARKET PRICE.
Update New ortex data shows 51M short interest. So the covering has begun.
Update 2: what you are seeing in the price drops is likely the gamma squeeze in reverse. People are rightly selling their short term calls, so MMs are selling shares they bought to hedge. That drives the price down, which then causes more de-hedging. This is all a manufactured selloff by elimination of ability of people to buy the equity and should absolutely be investigated. It's very likely the big boys knew the buying restriction was coming and started the selloff last night.
Update 3: getting angrier by the minute. Reviewing the volume and price action and shorts bought in volume at the absolute bottom. This mothefucker, Steve Cohen, who bailed out Melvin and previously accused of insider trading is now GLOATING after this blatant trick
submitted by FatAspirations to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

"Park in Employee parking!" vs "I'm not an employee!!"

Not sure if this is the right sub, but it sort of fits, I’ve been reading posts and it reminded me of this, hope you enjoy. I’m female and was 24 at the time.
This happened over the course of a few weeks about 2 years ago. I was working as a construction/design engineer for hospitals (plumbing and air conditioning), I work for a company that’s hired by the hospital, not for the hospital itself.
My company had been hired to do an ER renovation on an old hospital and the plans for the existing building were really old/damaged or just didn’t exist anymore. As low man on the totem pole I got the fun job of going out to the hospital to document/investigate the existing building (lots of going up on ladders and looking above the ceiling to track down pipes and ducts and such). Because this was an ER and therefore 24hrs/day we had to time our investigation for non-busy times namely 3am-7am in the middle of the week, I was also working my normal office hours (because my job offered overtime or in-lieu hours, and I needed the overtime pay, college loans lol!) so for all these interactions I was exhausted and just didn’t give a shit.
So on to the story,
I had to parked in the hospital parking garage, on the top floor to be out of the way of patients and visitors. I had finished early because an emergency had come into the ER and I had to get out of the way. I had some extra time so decided to close my eyes for a bit before driving to the office, when I was woken up by a tapping on my window, a man was peering in the window, we will call him Parking Dude (PD) . I waved at him thinking he was just making sure I was alright (I was sleeping in a hospital parking lot). PD gestured for me to roll down my window, so I cracked it to hear him better. He gruffly declared that “employees are to park in the back lot or on the street if that’s full, next time I’ll have you towed” He then turned and marched back to his golf cart, which he blocked me in with, as I called out “I don’t work here!!” He left, I left and went to work thinking it was a one time deal, little did I know.
Over the next few visits, I came back to my car to find increasingly angry “parking tickets” about parking in employee parking from now on! They were printed on 4A and very obviously homemade, with a blurry hospital logo and word art “parking enforcement” across the top. The notes threatened booting, towing, and demands for my supervisor’s name so I could be reported. I wish I still had them to share with you, my coworkers and I had quite a laugh over them. I even left a note on my dash saying I wasn’t an employee, and the next “ticket” had a rant about lying and that “You will be written up for lying, once I get your supervisors name!”
Then one morning I came out to find PD waiting for me. He had blocked my car with his golf cart and was grinning at me like a cat who got the cream. I walked up to him and PD said “Employees have to park in the back lot! You are in so much trouble, I demand to speak to your manager! (yes he really said it), give me their name and number and the department you work for! I wont let you leave until you give me your managers name!” He did have my car blocked in. I tried to explain that I wasn’t an employee, I pointed out my outfit (work boots, jeans, safety glasses, and a toolbelt with flashlights, tape measures, lasers, and a clipboard with my drawn plans) and told him that this is where hospital admin had told us to park. But he insisted that my disguise wasn’t going to trick him and demanded to speak to my manager. I was so exhausted and wasn’t really up to arguing, so I just pulled out my business card, and my boss’s card, and handed them over. (I had told my boss about this, and he just told me to ignore it, as he had confirmed with the hospital that’s where I was supposed to park.)
This dude pulled out his phone and called my boss and reported me. My boss (and older gentleman, who is also president of the company) later told me he had told PD that he had to let me leave or he was calling the police. When the dude hung up, he told me “I’m letting you leave this time, but next time you park here I’ll boot your car and find your real managers number and report you! Some trick with your friend wont work!” He got in his golf cart and zoomed away. Luckily my boss found this whole thing hilarious.
It was about a week before I went back (bad weather=busy ER=no work for me) and I was almost done with my task (I would be back after construction started, but its all on hold now because of covid) I had finished for the day once again and headed out to my car, to find he had -sort of- done what he had threatened.
There was a thick chain looped through the handle of my driver side rear door and a cinderblock all tied together with a large padlock. I knew this guy was a bit nutty, but I also had figured out he didn’t have any real authority, so to find this half clever half poorly thought-out ball and chain attached to my car, was a bit of a surprise.
Now I got into engineering because I like solving problems (I actually don’t really like math even if I’m not half bad at it), and this wasn’t a particularly complex problem. I simply rolled my back window down and lifted the cinderblock and excess chain into my car, and then drove away. I passed PD on my way out, to say he was shocked was an understatement and I gave him a jaunty wave as I drove by. It was a cold drive back to my office with the window open, but it was worth the look on his face. When I got to the office, I had to go in and sign out the bolt cutters and was followed out by a parade of my coworkers to see it for themselves.
I had to go back one more time, I was eager to see what PD might do after his last plan failed.
I came out to find he had tried the chain and cinderblock bit again. This time he had wrapped the chain around the bottom of the wheel a few times, and had the cinderblock tied pretty close to the wheel and the chain through the handle again. It was definitely chained in a way that would take a lot more ingenuity to get out of…. Or a pair of bolt cutters I hadn’t returned to the office, you know, just in case. I cut through the chain, unchained the car, and then loaded the whole lot into my trunk. PD must have been harassing some other person, because he only pulled up as I was backing out of the spot. He blocked my car (again!) with his cart and jumped out. He came to my window and I did roll it down just to see what he had to say. “Hey, Hey!!! Where are the chains!! How did you get loose! This is stealing! (is it stealing to take stuff he attached to my car?) I will have your job for this!” I never did hear the rest of the rant, as I yelled “Magic and I‘m not an employee!!” during a pause for breath and drove around his cart and away. It was the most dramatic exit of my life and will probably never be topped.
It was my last day there (for now) and I’ve since gotten a new car so I’m not sure if ill run into PD again. I’d like to think he is still puzzled over how I managed to unchain my car. My boss did lodge a complaint, but I don’t think anything came of it.
Anyway that’s my “I don’t work here” story, hope it was worth the read.

EDIT to answer some of the questions in the comments:
  1. the chain was the rubbeplastic coated kind (this guy was prepared), and I was pretty gentle in moving it, no harm came to my old car.
  2. I did report him to the hospital, but I didn't follow up as no real harm was done to me. (i regret not following up, just because he could have done this to others who wouldn't have found it as amusing)
  3. I was a zombie from lack of sleep, calling the cops didn't even occur to me, especially as the interactions were under 10 minutes, I was fairly amused by the whole thing, and didnt feel my safety was threatened.
  4. yes i did have pictures, but they are on my old phone, and I can't find the thing for the life of me.
submitted by Internal_Use8954 to IDontWorkHereLady [link] [comments]

[Uni] Doing something in our free time other than gaming & netflix


I decided to write this after reflecting on my 2.5 years in university and 23 years in life. University has been a blast and taught me many things - I hustled & played hard, failed and succeeded.
However, I wished I learnt earlier that my time and youth would be my most important resource. I have some reservations (not regrets per se) about how I spent my time when I was younger, especially during holidays or extended breaks. In a nutshell, I mostly did two things during my holidays - gaming and reading manga. It was no doubt fun - but I think I could have done more.
Hence, I hope that my reflection and advice will be able to help someone out!
Target Audience:
Following this, I want to share three pillars that have helped me lead a better life.

1. Physicality

You need to sweat. Like seriously, as much as possible, try to sweat hard at least once a week. It could be any of the following:
From my experience, with the advent of laptops (and with COVID right now), it is incredibly possible to go one month without sweating. Please, get the heck out of your house.
Beyond the more tangible benefits, I believe that "physical activities" are helpful in two ways


2. Doing something productive

Don't worry, I'm not one of those "LEARNING CODING!! UPSKILL YOURSELF OR DIE! JOIN THE RAT RACE" fanatics.
What I mean is - don't let your mind go to shit. Read something, read everything. Percy Jackson. Non-Fiction. Doesn't matter, just exercise your knowledge muscle a little. Start writing a diary. Volunteer at least once in a month. Catch up on your schoolwork (Or at least beg seniors for the practice papers, notes and answers). Start doing an online course (C'mon, it's 14 hours. You can't spare 14 hours in a month?)
Just make sure that after some time, you've something to say other than "Just Netflix and game lor".

For my rat race wannabes:

First off, absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to grind. Singapore is a f**king competition. If you're from an average family like me, 0 connections, 0 special skills, the need to earn well to support my family, sure, go for it. This are the things I would recommend, in no particular order:
  • Online courses — seriously, Udemy has 35 effing million students. That's 0.4% of the entire world. It's a great way to explore potential interests and SHOW people you are interested in a particular topic. For example, everyone mfker around me is interested in "investing". My friends and I have been talking about it since secondary school. How many people actually put in the hours and learn about it properly?
  • Getting a headstart — It's increasingly common for university students to "study in advance" for next year. Based on the /sgexams posts I'm seeing, it seems like that is the case for JC/secondary school kids as well. If you think life is a damn race, then go for it.
  • Starting something — listen, there's simply not enough resources for everyone to be earning $10,000 a month within 5 years of employment. You need to STAND OUT if you want to win the race. Write a blog, start a personal finance portfolio, do freelance marketing, do a podcast. Just. Do. Something. If it somehow works out, gong xi fa cai bro. If it doesn't, it's a great story to talk about in an interview.
Just a quick note
I am by no means recommending for a JC1 kid to spend their Chinese New Year holidays mugging for A's to get the 90RP + Full scholarship. The section "For my rat race wannabes" is simply for people who WANT to be a part of the rat race. Once again, I would like to stress that it is not necessary - there are many different ways of playing the game of life - you can try to min-max your character stats, you can enjoy the process itself. The list goes on - there is no right or wrong.
The key takeaway for this: Don't freaking read manga/watch Netflix for hours upon hours. Consume something else to expand your mind a little.

3. Have some goddamn fun

Now, at the end of the day, we all need a break. I'm not saying to spend your entire life studying or working or hitting the gym. Everything in moderation. Make sure to have some fun and indulge in certain things as well. My recommendations:
  • Binge something on Netflix (For me, it's B99, Prison Playbook, Kingdom and today, Snowpiercer)
  • Spend an entire day just gaming (Y'know those days where you have gamed till your eyes hurt and you feel like shit, but one more game doesn't hurt amiright?).
The bottom line is, feel free to indulge, you deserve it.

Thanks for coming this far

Ok, I know the vibes from the first two pillars is that "you need to hustle away" your life. No, please. I want to emphasise that it is perfectly fine to "Do nothing" and just "recharge". Just don't overdo having fun. Don't overdo hustling either or you're going to burn out.
Frankly, I love that feeling when I spend an entire day eating chips and climbing the ladder on CSGO - but one day is enough. What I most regret is doing it for weeks upon weeks.
If you've come this far, you deserve a summary:
  • Physicality - working up a sweat helps tremendously. A jawline is great as well. Lastly, it gives you something to do for a bit.
  • Productivity - don't waste entire weekends. It's easy to fall into some fog. Make sure to do something, however minor.
  • Have some effing fun - don't forget to take a break. Don't over hustle.

Misc - Useful resources + concepts that drove the article

The End

Why am I doing this

Ok, this section is rather pointless, so feel free to skip it. Just gonna be me rambling for a little.
I've always dreamt of writing about self-improvement. It got me out of many ruts in life, to push myself to do a little more. Today, I decided to say F IT and sit the heck down to write this article. If you notice, I've been commenting a fair bit in /sgexams. I want to do a little more for everyone.
Also, I want to start writing more - I want to make it a hobby of mine.

Snack for those who have came this far

Aight, congrats if you have read this far. I'm trying this out - I'm going to facilitate a/multiple "accountability groups". We do a group call every week for 20 minutes - say what you're going to do for the week, and do it. Also, you get to bounce ideas and potentially develop a network over time. (I hope!)
If there's interest, I will set up a proper system. leave a comment below that you're interested!
submitted by broskiunited to SGExams [link] [comments]

Playroom with built in playset for my sanity I mean kids

TL/DR: I took a huge storage room and transformed it into a playroom with a built-in playset for my sanity kids.

Pictures from start to finish

With the kids home most of the day (thank goodness for in-person preschool), my wife an I were being driven crazy by the kids in the main living room. They were pent-up rambunctious loud normal kids who left their toys everywhere (5 years old, 3 years old, 18 months). So my wife and I decided to reduce our clutter by getting rid of some things and moving others from our huge storage room into a playroom. Unfortunately, my wife went to Pinterest for some ideas. Thus an empty room with their toys became a project.
First I measured and made a couple of different models of playset to put in the room. the one in the pictures is the one we settled on. I used Microsoft's 3D builder program. As I didn't need anything too fancy or that cost money.
Then we started emptying the storage room, some was sold online, some was given to charities, some was taken to the dump, and we kept a few things.
We took some time deciding what to do with the walls. Since I had never mudded or taped we were not confident in my abilities. We also wanted something stronger than drywall because well kids. After discussing manget boards or other options we decided on bead board as I had done that before. Unfortunately, this time was vastly different and not in a good way.
Then it was on to mudding and tapping which I had never done before. It turned out better than I expected. Some of my seams were very well done. Others needed some help. It didn't matter if it was the first, middle, or last any of them could have been good or bad.
At this point I was waiting for some supplies to come in (mostly wood). So decided to go on to paint. Boss lady decided that we needed to use sky blue. Since most of the paint was going to be on the ceiling I choose Matte paint. I also knew that it would hide my imperfections better. Since the bead board was going 8 feet tall on all walls but one I didn't have to worry about durability. I used my brothers paint sprayer the original primer I used worked great. Then I switched to a slightly different primer but it was thicker and cause some minor issues until I thinned it out. I never want to do primer without a sprayer again it was so much easier. However, they say to roll on color. I also wanted a little texture to help hide the imperfections. So I rolled the blue on.
After the paint dried and I was able to get my supplies it was time to get down to the real building. I started with putting in the baseboards making sure they were level. Note if I was to use these kinds of baseboards again I would put the bead board up first. The issue was when I went to put the bead board up it was not perfectly square so I had issues getting it to stay butted agains the board next to it and the baseboard.
This was the time when my worst failure of this project happened. I used Liquid Nails with a couple of brad nails from my pneumatic nail gun to put the bead board up. Liquid Nails is what I used last time I did bead board but that wasn't 8 feet tall and more importantly I have since learned that Liquid Nails changed the formula to be VOC compliant. This resulted in 1/3 the holding strength it had before. Finally to top it all off I didn't check the length of the brad nails and they were only 1 inch long so they didn't go far enough to hid studs. Needless to say the whole thing came crashing down. My solution that only partially worked was to use 2 tubes of Liquid Nails a ton of brad nails all over and use a board and chair to hold it up for about an hour. This is when I did my research on Liquid Nails. The next morning when I got up one side of the panel was looking great the other side had a wave in it and I couldn't fix it. Oh well, have to move on or this will never get done.
After that I took all the tubes of Liquid Nails back and got Loctite instead. It worked a lot better still had to hold it for several minutes to let it start to cure but better than an hour. My brother-in-law and father-in-law came to help. We finished the bead board and the chair rail. Then we started working on the framing for the playset. I had already put the leger board up before the bead board so we worked on hanging the vertical supports from the ceiling anchor which I had already hung. This is where I got to start using my very overkill, for this project, brackets. Hey if your going to build it for kids might as well over build it.
The framing was the most enjoyable part of this entire project in fact it went so smoothly that my father-in-law and I both kept double checking things because it was going too easily. However after drilling holes with the hammer drill and setting the brackets for the posts we hung the joists and every turned out square. Unlike the rest of the room.
We then installed the platforms using the plywood I already had. It was a pain to get straight cuts out of the circular saw. I saw guide bent near the beginning so we had chalk lines and free handed it. In retrospect we should have just taken the time to pack up my father-in-law's table saw and bring it over. Rip cuts are a 100% easier on a table saw.
I was back on my own to put together the shelves, ladder, and slide. I didnt put the slide together at this point as I wanted to use my electric sander as I was planning on several coats for the slide. So on to sanding everything. I went though a lot of sandpaper. I got the platform, ladder, shelves, and slide super smooth with 320 grit. everything else stopped at 220.
Back to painting. So I put up painter's plastic with painter's tape to protect the few things in the room I didnt want to be white. Out came the paint sprayer, but this time I ran out of primer and the store didn't have the one I originally used. When I asked they said they had some in quart sized. So I got that and left, thinking that the different color was due to the different size. Oh, how wrong I was. The primer I was originally using and the second primer I used were both water based as I was planning on using latex paint. This primer was oil based. It was not low fumes, I got a little tippsy and had a headache for the next couple of days. I had to rough up that primer with sandpaper so I could apply water based primer. What a waste of several days.
Finally on to the white paint. I thought about rolling it like I did the blue but all the corners and nooks and cranies were just to much for me so I sprayed the paint on as well. I did two coats of primer, two coats of paint. Then for the platform, shelves, ladder and slide I added two coats of Minwax polycrylic water based protective finish. Sanding in between for a very smooth surface. Mostly to make the most touched areas last longer but also to make the slide really fast.
I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started putting in the flooring. I had to cut around the posts and the sides but it turned out great and I'm glad most of the room is white or those colors would have been very busy looking. I also got my custom made nets in. I used a ridiculous amount of staples to attach it to the frame. See previous comment about over engineering things.
Then I moved in the Lovesac and some toys. I had still not put the slide together becuase I started but stupidly used the same 1 1/2 screws I used for the brackets on the frame. Works great with 2x6s not so great with 3/4 thick plywood. I had to repair, sand, repaint, and refinish that part of the slide.
Luckily it only took a day. I then installed the slide using the variable angle brackets, but the wall next to the slide is not square with the wall behind the playset that the platform is square with. The slide ended up being slightly crooked with the bottom moved over toward the ladder side. This left a gap at the connection of the slide and platform. I have not figure out how to fix that yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
At some point the TV went up, the chairs came in and the rest of the toys made it on the shelves.
Having this separate area for the kids to play and keep all of their toys had made my wife's and my lives infinitly better. I could feel the weight off my shoulders.
In case you are wondering the one area of the platform that doesn't have a net is for jumping out onto the Lovesac.
Lessons learned. * Use a table saw not a circular saw for rip cuts and crosscuts to big for the miter saw. * Put the bead board up first then put the molding over it. * Double check what base the paint or primer you are use is. Make sure they all match. Oil with Oil, Water with Water. * Never use Liquid Nails again. Since they changed the fomula to be VOC compliant it has 1/3 the holding power it used to.
Material List: * Plywood: was already here but something like THIS * Corner Trim: HERE * Long 2x6: Used for the ceiling anchor and front of frame. HERE * 2x6: used for the rest of the framing HERE * Chair rail: Just flat normal moulding made putting up the beadboard harder HERE * Bead Board: I don't recommend using a full sheet like I did HERE * Baseboard: same issue as chair rail. HERE * Original Primer: Works great with the paint sprayer HERE * Second Primer: didn't work as good in the paint sprayer HERE * Bad Oil Primer: Don't trust anyone else to pick up your paint or primer HERE * White Paint and Base for Blue: I use this all the time works good with kids. HERE * Minwax Polycrylic: Great water based protective layer that won't yellow HERE * Caulk: Needed like 8-10 tubes of this HERE * Color Blue: HERE * Foam Interlocking Tiles: worked perfectly for this HERE * Liquid Nails: this stuff is terrible don't buy but if you like being frustrated and angry HERE * Loctite: Much better than Liquid Nails HERE * Custom Netting: ordered two nets cost about $90 with shipping and taxes. Much better than anything else I found. HERE
Hardware / Connectors: * Post Cap: HERE * Double 2x6 Joist hanger: Only used two near the posts * Single 2x6 Joist hanger: HERE * Corner Angle Tie: Used for the corners of the frames HERE * Face Post Cap: Used to tie the joists to the post where three joists meet 1 90 degrees to the others HERE * 90 Degree Angle tie: Used to tie the vertical supports to the ceiling anchor HERE * Flush Mount: Used to connect the ladder to the frame while allowing the ladder to be removed HERE * Variable Angle Tie: Used to connect the slide to the frame. Slide at a 30 Degree angle. HERE * 4in Angle Tie: Used to support the steps on the ladder. Ladder at 20 degree angele. HERE * Galvanized Screws: Recommended to work with the brackets. Probably didnt need to use these. HERE * Drain clean out cover: was set back had to use a block of wood to screw into HERE * Screws: for everything else but the brackets. Love star drive wish philips would disappear HERE * Post base: screwed into the concrete to support the posts HERE * Painter's plastic: HERE * Painter's Tape: HERE
Tools: * Air compressor: already had this HERE * Pnuematic Nail gun: already had this HERE * Shop Vac: borrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Hammer Drill: barrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Occillating Mult-tool: borrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Circular saw: Use a table saw! similar to this * Jigsaw: works great for cutting the holes for outlets similar to this * Compound Miter Saw: already had this similar to this * Pnuematic Stabler: borrowed from brother similar to this * Paint Sprayer: borrowed from brother HERE
Budget: * Original: $500 (pre-playset plans) * Ending: ~$1250. Saved a lot by having the plywood. Spent some by using so much bead board. * Already had most of the tools or could borrow them. Labor "free". Most of the cost was material.
In case you were wondering: * Lovesac: Many different sizes ours is the Supersac. HERE * TV Mount: HERE * Roku Express: HERE * TV from yard sale. * Chairs from school closing.
also posted to [Homeimprovement](homeimprovement)
submitted by Rorys_closet to DIY [link] [comments]

Psychology 2 Electric boogaloo, PSYOPS which were used

So yesterday I posted about the psychological aspects of the entire stock craze.
Today I want to go a bit more in depth of how PSYOPS (psychological operations) normally work for military, but also how they apply to us today. if someone wants me to go in depth on how psyops is used on businesses feel free to let me know I'll do some research and post here
There is a certain order when it comes to PSYOPSIn order to create a successful PSYOP the following must be established:
1 clearly define the mission so that it aligns with national objectives 2 need a PSYOP estimate of the situation 3 prepare the plan 4 media selection 5 product development 6 pretesting - determines the probable impact of the PSYOP on the target audience 7 production and dissemination of PSYOP material 8 implementation 9 posttesting - evaluates audience responses 10 feedback 
Before these steps can occur, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets in order to determine which ones it would be most beneficial to target. In order to figure this out, analysts must determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they would be susceptible to.
The analysts also determine the attitudes of the targets toward the current situation, their complaints, ethnic origin, frustrations, languages, problems, tensions, attitudes, motivations, and perceptions, and so on. Once the appropriate target(s) have been determined, the PSYOP can be created. this is the basic outline of how a PSYOPS work, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
this is the basic outline of how a psyop works, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
1 they need to find out what we think/feel and find our weakness.
this is the most simple one as we work in plain sight and let everyone see our DD
2 Can they pull this off? can they create FUD and divide our ranks?
Also easily yes
3 the plan:
Divide and conquer, make them doubt themselves and show their comrades are not as brotherly as they imagined.
4 the Media selection is also fairly easy to fill in
modern news media, meaning TV, newspapers, and reddit itself. We’ve all seen the people on tv saying we are idiots, we are dumb etc etc News article after news article stating that it’s over And here is the only one that may have actually shown to have some effect: other users Other users saying we missed the boat, other users showing their “gains” and using others to turn against each other. 5 Product development
See how well it’s doing so far? 6 pretesting Can and will these things affect us? Yes and no, the media didn’t work as we could see the facts were skewed across the board, and they are still using short ladder attacks so… no Having other users spread doubt… Yes, this has worked for some people. 7 product and dissemination Normally this is where (if it was used by a military operation) it would be implemented, but due to time constraints I believe they started right after the “planning” phase in 3 8 Implementation Putting it to use, again I believe the implementation begon at point 3 9 posttesting Evaluation of the audiences response, do they react and how do they react 10 feedback If it works, at which points, if it doesn’t where and why? This last one is very easy, noticed how all mainstream news died off about the negativity towards GME BB AMC and NOK? But how the influx of new users on WSB become more prevalent? This is because they knew we didn’t give a fuck about the mainstream media, we cared about our brothers in arms.
Now with knowing some of the basics lets do a quick and dirty analysis of all of this, From end of 2020 to about 18-01-2021 the sentiment was positive. At this date we saw a wide range of implementation of the media.And everyone was saying we were stupid etc etc. Hell we even got a billionaire to cry on tv
This negative attention seemed to only bolster us in our conviction that we were and are correct in what our DD has lined out for us.
Ok so the main media networks don't work, What does?
Ok so the main media networks dont work, What does? Well lets use their main tools (reddit) against them. And what did we suddenly see since the 27th/28th? Suddenly the mod team changes, and this is very important because if you control the people who control the board you control the narrative, skewing it from positive to negative. (as we’ve seen a lot of people getting their positive posts deleted, their DD deleted etc etc) We also seen a massive influx of bots, negative posters, people showing their “gains” And this seemed to work so they stuck with it. Now look at these last paragraphs and compare them to a normal Psyops mission. Do you think they kindof align a lot? Good because this is what we have been using since as long as we can remember Some real world examples of things like this being implemented are for example: The Gleiwitz incident Hitler invaded Poland, took control of their radio tower and made it seem like Poland attacked Germany, this way he could “retaliate” without any repercussions at the time. As he was only defending his country.
Operation Bodyguard A plan to mislead the Germans during WW2 to make them think the time and place of the invasion (D-day) would take place at another time and date then it did. There are a lot of WW2 examples but I think it’s more prudent to focus on modern day as this was the beginning of modern psyops, but it has evolved a lot since then. To most people when you say “PSYOPS” they think of Vietnam, and rightly so as here we were starting to use more and more psychological methods. First off this is a very interesting read; for the people who think PSYOPS are no longer used, they are and they’re still recruiting;
The Phoenix program; The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination. The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong". The Phoenix Program was premised on the idea that infiltration had required local support from non-combat civilian populations, which were referred to as the "political branch" that had purportedly coordinated the insurgency.
Operation Wandering soul; Now this one is actually one that is pretty fucked up in my book, this was an OP that screwed with their heads on such a level this one should be criminal.
The VC believed at the time that the dead should be buried at home or else the soul was stuck wandering the earth aimlessly, sounds fairly normal if you believe in those things. But then the US was like “they aren’t at home right? What if we play distorted human sounds and zombie like sounds to fuck with them”. This is the gist of what happened
Check this site out for more on OP Wandering soul:
Now to keep this a bit shorter I will give you a couple of operation names here which you can research if you want, they are important in this grander thing but or else this post would turn into another thesis on PSYOPS. Operation CHIEU HOI Operation MOCKINGBIRD (highly unclear of the scope but it does reflect a lot of what we see today in the ways of media manipulation) Operation FIELD GOAL (leaflet drop mission, much like the recent “GAINS” posts as it has the same effect, either you get convinced the squeeze is squoze or you lose morale)
Modern day(desert storm to now)
Gulf war Banknotes; This one is a very good one, as they used banknotes which had some added text to it, sounds innocent enough right?Nope this one was one of the more effective ones they used in desert storm/shield.
Give it a read because it’s too good to just give a small synopsis here.
Command Radio Solo over Iraq Because Iraq was still a technologically lagging country back then they used radio to give out propaganda, again using mainstream media to push their idiology. page has everything on it, including the scripts they have used at the time.
Some other golf war things to look into:
Compare those to the disinformation we are receiving when it comes to gains and why we should sell.
Operation OBSERVANT COMPASS 2003 initially an op to get Joseph Kony and to end the “lord's resistance army in central afrika.
Toppling of Saddam Hussein statue Arguably the most visible image of the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the toppling of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad. Allegations that the event was staged have been published.
It is claimed it was actually an idea hatched by an Army psychological operations team. Allegations surfaced that not only were the cheering group of people surrounding the statue in fact smaller than they were made out to be, in media depictions, but that also the group were not local to the area and were instead brought in by the military for the specific purpose of watching and lending credence to the pre-planned toppling.
Use of music in interrogation of prisoners. Again this one is one we all know about, using heavy metal on Iraqi prisoners, as they’ve never heard heavy metal this fucks them up beyond belief. this is a more hands on PSYWAR but it's morale based
Pentagon analysts and the mainstream media In 2008, The New York Times exposed how analysts portrayed in the U.S. news media as independent and objective were in fact under the tutelage of the Pentagon.
According to the NYT:
Hidden behind that appearance of objectivity, though, is a Pentagon information apparatus that has used those analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance
CNN and NPR interns incident In 2000, it came to light that soldiers from the 4th Psychological Operations Group had been interning at the American news networks Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio (NPR) during the late 1990s. The program was an attempt to provide its PSYOP personnel with the expertise developed by the private sector under its "Training with Industry" program.
The program caused concern about the influence these soldiers might have on American news and the programs were terminated.
National Public Radio reported on April 10, 2000:
The U.S. Army's Psychological Operations unit placed interns at CNN and NPR in 1998 and 1999. The placements at CNN were reported in the European press in February of this year and the program was terminated. The NPR placements will be reported this week in TV Guide.


Am I saying the army or government is involved? No What I am saying is that most of the information regarding PSYOPS is publicly available, and anyone with a decent understanding of sociology and psychology can use this to their advantage. And I’m sure that not everyone who was in PSYOPS at one point or another, would stay there forever. These people usually branch out and use their acquired skillset and use it on the open market to get some big bucks. And while there are laws forbidding the U.S. government to use misinformation/PSYOPS on their own people, there are none for corporations, so they can still implement this. What you can see here is a fairly simple pattern and Modus Operandi. Just translate it to modern times.
-TV and Radio have been used to spread doubt about “is this over or not”.-They use twitter as an outlet showing “experts” who say we are stupid bad or nihilists, this is bait don't take it ok?
-Leaflets have been updated for the modern day, “LOOK AT MAH GAINS” “LOOK IVE SOLD SO SHOULD YOU AT AN ALL TIME LOW”, pictures are all we need instead of leaflets now. Why sell for losses? If you believed in the stock then believe in it now, even Mark Cuban said “if you can afford to hold, hold. That’s what I would do.”
Infiltration and seed Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Make people lose faith in the cause they are in.We have seen this with bots, and real people who are suddenly in the WSB group and other groups, but it’s funny how it’s mostly concentrated on WSB no ?We have seen other members talking to people on Webull asking if they’re getting paid and they flat out said yes 20 bucks for every post with minimally 3 interactions.When those naysayers get caught on reddit and pointed out suddenly they do an account wipe (seen this at least 5 times myself and seen others post about this).

Control the narrative
This is the most important one can do, if you control the narrative you control the way people think interact etc Since a week or so WSB has become very negative about something they were rallying behind for months, like on the flip of a dime.
New mods instated, old ones removed
And suddenly all the positive things about GME are suddenly gone. u/zjz has been removed out of the blue while being one of the better mods on there.
Right now they are controlling the narrative and spreading “fake news” I fucking hate Donny but I’m ashamed to admit that he might have been right about the entire fake news idea. Because look at the news media; Gme craziness they will crash the market GME craze over now silver Silver now Uranium They all went broke etc etc. EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL PLZ DONT LOOK
But if you look at multiple sources…. The shorts are not covered at all The Short ladder attacks (which we can just call ladder attacks at this point) keep going day in day out because we are not selling and they keep shorting it.
Take the facts that you can check yourself. Cross check over and over and over, you will see automatically which ones are correct (if a 100 say the outcome is 120 and 20 say they’re at 50 look at the credibility of those people giving the information).Do your DD, cross check with the DD of other members (this is most likely why WSB removed these)As this is the most powerful one, who is on board who does what why do they do it etc etc.
Normally the announcement that Cohen,fils-aime, Francis, Durkin AND Kruger would impact the stock in a very positive manor, yet the stock went down 20% that day
Compare your findings with the Median of when something like that happens normally the stock shoots up, you can find what’s actually happening and what is being pushed on you.
Like: people have already sold out their shares (while the data shows otherwise )My conclusion is that there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes to keep us infighting and divided, as long as we all keep positive we can actually come out on top of this.
Make no mistake gentlemen we are at war. And half the war is a war of hearts and minds

Capture their minds

and their hearts and souls

will follow

submitted by rensole to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

I re-watched every Bucs game's highlights from this year. Here's the highlights from my notes.

Week 1 @ Saints L 34-23
Brady will QB sneak even if it's a full 2 yards.
defense is aggressive, gets burned by screens and double moves
brady lacks zip – pick-six on out-route
McCoy gets beat bad in pass protection
Week 2 vs. Panthers W 31-17
Led 21-0, but lead was cut to 21-14 with Panthers driving, when Bridgewater throsws a pick.
McCoy drops TD - so he's getting benched...
Week 3 @ Broncos (Driskel) W 28-10
They really love Evans in the red zone - two TDs
Driskel is awful
brady likes to underthrow/backshoulder – DBS need to get head around
Week 4 vs. Chargers W 38-31
Herbert beats zone deep (to a psquad wR)
brady lacks zip, pick-six on out route
ugh, Herbert is good.
Chargers take 24-7 first half lead. Then a fumble inside their 10 when they are just running out the half – Evans red zone TD
The key is the Bucs interior O-line. They are a wall and Brady can step up in the pocket. It's not a big area, he's not fast enough to go anywhere else. Get there and you can really disrupt him, but they do a great job protecting it.
Chargers flea-flicker does not work, nowhere to throw at all. DBs Not fooled.
chargers punt on 4th in 1 with 7 to play when losing and being torched for the last 20 minutes.
Week 5 @Bears (Thursday) (Foles) L 20-19
The Brady forgot what down it was game (they don't include this in the highlights, SMH)
Foles torching them with throws along sideline, especially in improv moments.
EVans red zone TD
Kyle Fuller murders a guy (Brady with the assist)
Bears offense not impressive, but they win anyway
Bucs get ball under 3 minutes, up 19-17, just need a couple first down – get to 3rd and 12 – rough 3-and-out
Brady forgets what down it is. Woof. PAst his bEd tImE.
Week 6 – Packers W 38-10
Rodgers takes big hit as he goes in for a TD (kinda) to make it 10-0. They don't score again, so I wonder if that hit has anything to do with it.
Rodgers doesn't step into throw, little zip – pick six. Next drive, Rodgers throws another near pick-six (returned almost for a TD), but the play should either have been blown dead for neutral zone infraction or false start and shouldn't have counted:
Another red zone, another Evans staredown, but it's not there, throws somewhere else.
Horrific rb pass pro leads to sack on Rodgers:
Brady underthrows deep ball for easy PI
Dbs need to get head around
Week 7 - @ Raiders W 45-20
Was 24-20 in the 4th Raiders have tipped pass interception, gets out of hand in the last 8 minutes. But was closer than final score appears.
Brady loves to take deep shots to Scotty Miller, lay it out for him to catch up to it, while with Evans/Godwin he tends to put it high or back-shoulder, let them go up and get it/be physical.
Week 8 @ Giants (1-6) (MNF) W- 25-23
Giants try a WR throwback, secondary doesn't bite, nobody open downfield it seems. (Trick plays are just not working on this secondary it seems)
The dumpoff to Rbs are wide open and Brady takes them so often. How are you not keying on those at all? (season long, not just a giants problem)
Jones throws horrific INT – Bucs first play after is predictably is a play-action deep shot to go for the jugular (not there takes dump off)
red zone – gronk TD, Evans for the 2 (defended)
red zone - 1st and goal, throw to Evans.
Tons of room for Jones to scramble, he mostly doesn't take it.
Giants score to pull within 2- don't get the 2 and game ends. Bucs easily could have lost this game.
Week 9 – Saints Huge game, Saints already beat them, division title basically on the line - L 38-3 – secondary tooo aggressive, bites on a short route to Kamara, leaves another receiver wiiiide open in end zone.
Jared Cook fumbles at the Bucs 2 as Saints are going to go up 14-0, instead, turnover.
its 21-0 Saints before Bucs get a first down (and they had a drive end in a fumble at the 2, easily could have been 28-0 before Bucs had a single first down)
They get a first down! Then a tipped ball at the line is intercepted. Saints go up 28-0
Brady throws bad pick, no idea what's going on
if you can get Brady to scramble instead of having his office in the pocket, it is not pretty. Ditto
Bucs settle for fg while down 38-0 and 6 minutes to go in game - woof
Bucs set NFL record for fewest rushes in a game with 5 which includes a Blaine Gabbert kneel down.
Absolutely embarassing loss in the biggest game on their regular season calendar.
Week 10 – @Panthers W 46-23
Another Evans – Red zone TD
Bucs lead 20-17, 7 minutes into 3rd, Panthers have been leading, but it's back-and-forth. Panthers pin the Bucs on their own 2 with a punt. Whole game turns on this as RoJo has a 98 yard td run, then Bridgewater is hit as he throws and picked on the first play of the next drive (settle for FG, but then its 29-17). Then Panthers run fake punt, fail, hand them another short field, held to another FG. 32-17.
Bridgewater then leaves game, Bucs win 46-23, but it's down to this AWFUL 3rd quarter. Could have been a much closer game.
Week 11 – Rams (MNF) past Brady's bEd TiMe! L 27-24
Brady throws a duck, not picked somehow :
Another Evans red zone TD
Bucs D made Goff look good. Cooper Kuff feasted on YAC
Goff throws WTF pick, Bucs held to FG (tie at 17), Rams respond with missed fg
Brady horrible pick
Brady sacked and then hit on back to back plays: both just a 4 man rush getting home. – brady pass batted down, he catches it and throws it again?
Goff pick – short field, Bucs TD to tie it at 24 with only 4 minutes to play.
Rams FG to take 27-24 lead, giving ball back to Brady with 2+ minutes left, down 3, he promptly throws a terrible pick to lose the game:
Week 12 – Chiefs - L 27-24
Chiefs get cute in the red zone: have to settle for fg on opening drive (at the 2)
Tyreek bomb for TD on first play:
Bucs 3 and out, another quick punt.
Kelce with the hook and ladder fake out:
Now they try man: Tyreek beats em again.
17-0 after 3 drives.
4th KC drive gets inside the Bucs 10, ends in a Mahomes strip-sack – Fisher gets beat bad and quickly. If not for this, could easily be 24-0 after 4 drives. – horrific chiefs tackling lets them score way too easily
Chiefs eat the clock to end the half and get a FG, leaving no time for Brady to come back at them – 20-7 at half. Bucs get ball to start 2nd half, go down to red zone, stall for a 26 yard fg. 20-10 – Chiefs respond by hitting Tyreek again for a TD (27-10). Chiefs over 450 yards of offense 8 minutes into the 3rd quarter. (on pace for 700+ yards for the game).
Brady responds by throwing up a prayer when pressured, picked by Breeland:
Brady pressured, throws a terrible pass that's “tipped” because it hits Dirty Dan in the forehead at the line of scrimmage: picked by Tyrannasaurus
Chiefs go 3 and out thanks to a holding call and two leveon runs for 1 yard total.
27-10 in the 4th quarter – chiefs stop bringing blitzes, trying to rely on just 4 man pressure, Bucs go down and get a TD.
chiefs run out the last 4 miuntes (with quite a few passes).
Week 13 bye
Narrative is that they figured out all their problems in this bye, haven't lose since. Let's see how that plays out.
Week 14 – Vikings W 26-14 Vikings go down and score, but miss XP, next drive missed 36yd fg – should be 10-0, instead 6-0
7-6 – then Vikings miss 54 yard field goal
Evans targeted in red zone – PI call.
1 second left in half – they throw a hail mary, and the Vikings are called for PI on a hail mary... Bucs get a FG. Wow. Don't know if I've ever seen a pi call on a hail mary before.
17-6 Bucs, could be 14-13 Bucs (if not missed fg/xp, hail mary Pi) Bucs go down and score a TD on first drive, suddenly it's 23-6.
Vikings drive down to bucs 9 (23-14, 10 minutes to play) Bucs bring blitz, Cousins doesn't see it coming at all, takes bad sack/fumble (recovers) takes another sack, pushing all the way back to a 46 yarder and it's another miss.
26-14 final score, if not for kicking woes and that hail mary PI, instead of 26-14, we're looking at 23-23 tie in the 4th. Instead they win by 12. So don't just look at the score, this is a close game.
Week 15 @ Falcons W 31-27 (no Julio Jones mind you)
Matt Ryan has tons of time in the pocket or to scramble, Mahomes could feast if the line holds up this well.
Falcons bring only 4 (but a zone blitz, bringing a safety) and get immediate sack, fools o-line:
Calvin Ridley roasting Murphy-Bunting – 14-0 Falcons lead.
Surprise S blitz and fools brady for a sack:
Falcons up 17-0 at half (uh oh)
Trade Tds to start 2nd half 24-7
This isn't even a rub/pick, just bad D by the falcons in the red zone:
Extremely close play, a forced fumble on Scotty Miller, but his knee was down a split second before, so it's no fumble on review: – Game changing split second.
Falcons offense dies in the 2nd half, letting Bucs just take over quickly goes from 24-7, to tied at 24.
Ridley feasting – 10, 163 yards, 1 td – Look at that time in the pocket.....but TD pass is just barely broken up. Sad. Settle for FG,
Bucs respond with deep ball to Antonio Brown, take 31-27 lead.
Falcons respond with deep ball, nearly hit: To me, if that's Pat and Tyreek/Mecole/Sammy that's a 77 yard TD. – look at Gronk and LT in pass block. Woof.
Bucs win 31-27. Really a squeaker, and the Falcons were without Julio (and a bang-bang turnover barely goes Bucs way).
*Week 16 @ Lions * W 47-7– Lions had like no coaching staff because of Covid (and firings), and Stafford is injured on the first drive, it's a Chase Daniel game. Bucs run away with it easily.
Week 17 Falcons W 44-27
Don't have a linebacker guard Godwin 1-on-1, now you know Atlanta.
Evans tweaks his knee, Brady hits hand on helmet on follow through on the same play.
Falcons fumble a qb/rb exchange for the 2nd time in the first half.
23-17 Bucs, 7 minutes into 3rd quarter. 23-20 to start 4th quarter -- again, final score is wayyy out of whack with game flow. – Bucs red zone d, 4th and goal at the 1, bites hard on the run, wide open play action to the TE.
Bucs LT decides not to block anyone?
Bucs up 3, 3rd and 12, at own 44, 5:32 to play. Hit a deep shot to Godwin. If incomplete, punting back to Falcons, up only 3. Instead, the pass is complete, they go down and score to make it a 10 point lead, then Falcons immediately turn the ball over and the final score is 44-27. If they don't hit that Godwin deep shot, you're looking at a totally different game.
Wild Card – @ a 7-9 Football Team W 31-23
Heiney – deflection/interception, pretty lucky for the Bucs, gives them short field, they get a TD. (9-0)
Heiney making plays, escaping pressure, eyes downfield, this dude is good. And that bucs pass rush can get him off his spot, but that doesn't mean it ruins the play (secondary can't hold up): – is this one of the worst blitz calls you've ever seen? A safety blitzes from 10 yards off the line of scrimmage, takes 3 seconds to get even near Brady and by then the ball is out. Why? – Heiney escapes pressure, scrambles. This dude is good. Football team scores to make it 18-16 with 2 minute to go in 3rd (then misses a 2-pt).
HUGE play – Bucs up 28-16, 5min to go. IF you want to close out a win, you do it here. WFT 3rd and 10 at Bucs 11. No pass rush, burns Murphy-Bunting for a TD, pull within 5. 28-23.
Bucs get ball, can go win it with a TD, instead, settle for FG, which makes it an 8 point game (31-23) with 2:49 to play
Drives past midfield then stalls. So if they'd hit that 2 point conversion, the football team has the ball with 2:00 to play at midfield, down only 6. This is not a convincing win, especially given who is playing QB. He is good, don't get me wrong, but you'd think an elite defense wouldn't be beatable by a dude who was on the St. Louis Battlehawks like 10 months ago.
So the whole "Bucs figured everything out in the bye week" thing -- uhh, so after the bye they had close games with Vikings and Falcons, then blew out the coachless Lions, and beat up on the "ready for golf season" Falcons. 3 of those 4 games against teams that had already fired their coaches, and then they open the playoffs against a 7-9 team starting a nobody at QB. So yeah, this "streak" is not super impressive. The next two games are, but as we'll see, they aren't exactly big convincing wins either.
Divisional – @ Saints W 30-20 Brees throws basically a pick-six (returned to the 3), noodle arm.
Brady throws pick, dude just doesn't get feet down (but probably should have): – brady throws another probably-should-be interception
Even with Brees throwing basically a pick-six, with 4minutes left in 3rd quarter it's 20-13 Saints, Saints driving over mid-field when Jared Cook turns it over with a fumble.
IF not for handing them the almost-pick-six, and if Jared Cook doesn't fumble (and this drive settles for FG), then it;s 23-6 to start the 4th quarter. Instead it's 20-20 game. Credit for forcing a fumble (though they are super random), not sure how much credit you get for Brees noodle arm (playing this year through 11 broken ribs and a partially torn rotator cuff, dude just doesn't have it anymore).
Another near pick from Brady:
Brees throws the game with multiple picks. Saints are the better team, as we clearly saw in two games in the regular season. Bucs had the breaks and Brees noodle arm bail them out. If this is week 1, healthy brees (also we know now Michael Thomas has like multiple injuries needing off season surgery), then this is a Saints win.
NFCCG – @Packers W 31-26
Steal a possession before half, and then Packers D-coordinator runs a Greg Williams patented “fire me” defense and gives up an atrocious TD to end the half. A HUGE swing in the game.
Then Packers fumble and hand Bucs short field to start 2nd half, another TD. Again, you gotta force the fumble, credit where credit's due, but they are just so random (especially who recovers a fumble). – The Bucs we torched are still torchable - What percent of the time do you complete this? That's on 3rd down too, and they end up with a TD, that 50-50 ball is a 7 point swing.
Bucs runD is good between the tackles, but the outside stuff is open. Look for Jet sweeps and misdirection and not much runing between the tackles. They are big dudes and not that fast.
Packers just forcing it to Davante Adams in the redzone and failing.
Kinda surprised at Rodgers being a bit of a statue. He CAN move, but he is often sacked by not that much pressure, he just is not effectively moving around in the pocket or evading pressure. Staring down field and not that much pocket awareness it seems. Maybe having one of the best o-lines in the league made his pocket awareness skills rusty?
This game completely turns on the end of the first half, fumble to start first half. 14-17 point swing right there. Credit to the Bucs, but if you take care of business and don't turn the ball over, Packers win.
After obviously force feeding Davante Adams in the red zone all day, the Bucs decide to single-cover him and blitz and give him an easy TD.
failed 2 (bad drop by Equanimeous Tristan Imhotep J. St. Brown ), would have made the game 28-25, instead it's 28-23... – Brady under pressure just flails the ball down field. He isn't even touched I don't think. Fallon d'flor material there.
Neither offense wants to do anything with it for most of the 4th quarter.
31-23, Packers stall in red zone.. – just run it – if you don't get in, go for it on 4th, if you fail to get that, you've at least pinned them deep. No you know what, let's try to force it to Adams again, they won't see that coming.
Overall, my big takeaways:
  1. Evans is the Red zone target, double the shit out of him.
  2. Get pressure on Brady, disguise blitzes, make that o-line adjust on the fly, often you can get pressure with exotic blitzes. If you pressure Brady he has barely any mobility, will not scramble, all you need to do is get him off his spot and his passer rating drops a ton.
  3. Bucs offense hits a lot of deep passes, and likes to go back-shouldeunder throw, and let their big physical receivers go up and get it OR get a PI call. DBs MUST turn their heads and look for balls. Brady throws picks or interceptable balls quite often if the DBs get their head around.
  4. Bucs offense is not very efficient. They might hit big plays, but they also go long stretches where they don't get anything done. They are still running the ball a lot on early downs instead of throwing (which is one of the biggest no-nos according to analytics).
  5. Bucs streak is largely down to strength of schedule dropping, and then quite a bit of luck in the playoffs. If not for Brees being a shadow of himself (And Michael Thomas hurt), the Saints should beat them. Brady throws 3 picks against Green Bay, but they win largely because of two flukey plays (the end of first half greg williams defense TD, and the start of 2nd half fumble).
  6. Bucs benefitted throughout the playoff run from a lot of short fields. Against just the Packers and Saints They have TD drives of 3, 8, 20, 40 yards. In the 16 other drives in those 2 games (excluding kneel downs), only 3 are TDs (51, 66, and 73 yards). So if you don't turn the ball over and give them a short field, they are not efficient and don't produce many long drives. For comparison, against just the Bills, the Chiefs had TD drives of 82, 80, 77, 75, and 58 yards. Chiefs do not need short fields, they are both explosive and efficient and sustain drives.
  7. Bucs offense has gotten more drives than the Chiefs. Credit to their defense...though they played the corpse of Drew Brees, a St. Louis Battlehawk, and the Packers playing not to lose... But you look at a drive chart and you see lots of punting back and forth, or trading interceptions.
Bucs across 3 games: 2.96 points per drive
Chiefs across both playoff games (only Mahomes drives, no Henne): 4.3 points/drive
Chiefs had only 8 possessions against the Bills (including one which was Hardman fumbling, so the offense only had 7, excluding kneel downs/clock killing), and Mahomes had only 6 against the Browns (team had 8 total). Through 8 drives against Bills, Chiefs had 38 points, through 6 against Browns with Mahomes, they had 22 points.
Bucs had 12, 10, and 10 drives (excluding kneel downs/clock killing). They're getting more possessions...again, credit to their defense...but look at opponents as well.
Through first 8 possesions, the Bucs had 18, 20, and 28 points in their 3 playoff games. And the 28 includes the Scotty MilleGreg Williams atrocious half-ender, and an 8 yard td "drive."
So if you hear people say the Bucs should limit the total number of possessions, just remember, if there are only 8 possessions each, in Mahomes 7 playoff games so far, through the first 8 possessions, they average 28 points scored (38, 22, 24, 35, 34, 21, 24). Bucs in their three playoff games are averaging 22 points scored through their first 8 possessions.
Brady, last 7 playoff games (age 41, 42, 43 seasons) 165/271 60.8%, 288 yards per game, 9 Tds, 7 Ints, rating 84.4
Mahomes in 7 playoff games in career: 165/252, 65.4%, 293 yards per game, 17 Tds, 2 Int, rating 109.8
submitted by jeffp12 to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

Elbow, Matus and Conch

Dear Readers, I bring you the first in a series of stories about the love affair the Viking and I had with the village and people of Hopetown, Abaco, Bahamas. This beautiful place, our favorite in the world, would figure heavily in the path our lives would take. This first story will set the scene for the place and some of the characters we met along the way. As usual, the stories will come as I am inspired to send them. For now, relax, tip one if you want and enjoy the trip!
Our ten year wedding anniversary was fast approaching and we decided to mark the occasion with a memorable trip. We both were always drawn to surf and sand and knew we wanted to go someplace exotic, so I came home from the grocery store loaded with travel magazines full of suggestions of places to visit with beautiful beaches and the promise of a good time. Neither of us were the type to really enjoy staying in a hotel for long periods. Rather, we would look for a sailboat, cottage or some such accommodation to rent so we could get in there and feel like a native and really explore.
Our first inkling was to look at Belize, but at that early date there were few sources of information available to assuage our concern about the influx to Belize of questionable people from that area and other Central American countries recently engaged in hot drug wars. So we changed course a bit and hit on a place we had never heard of - Hopetown, on Elbow Cay, Abaco in the Bahamas. (Remember the name Hopetown for future reference in other stories.) The accommodations looked neat, clean and sparse, within budget, and right behind the two-story main house on the property. The main house faced east and was directly on the Atlantic Ocean beach. As with every house on Elbow Cay, and likely throughout the Bahamas, it is common practice for the house to have a name. Our little cottage was called Puff House and the main home was Windward House but it was not available for rent at that time. We paid the deposit for the cottage and booked our flights looking forward to a great vacation. We happened to be in a situation wherein both of us could take three weeks off so we did; and we were glad!
It was a long day of travel. From the Pacific Time Zone we flew to Ft. Lauderdale, jumped on a 14-seat airplane to the airport at Marsh Harbour on Abaco, Bahamas. (Marsh Harbour is pronounced “Maash Aaaber”.) From there it was a taxi to the boat dock where we boarded a small boat headed for Hopetown, the only village on Elbow Cay. Once we climbed up the ladder onto the dock at Hopetown we were met by the rental agent for the property, Ira. Ira was a native of Elbow and his wife Tanny, our rental agent, came from San Salvador, Bahamas. A great big man, he was kind enough to not scoff too much at our luggage and help us carry some as we walked about 100 yards to Puff House. There he showed us around the amenities of the cottage. It was small, neat as a pin, clean and bright. It was on the Queen’s Highway which was a 14-foot-wide footpath, and the main street in town. The “highway” was wide enough to fit the dump truck for the weekly pickup. All other conveyances on the Cay were golf carts, few of them, or your two feet. A vehicle really wasn’t necessary because Elbow is a small cay – a half mile wide at its widest and a mile and a half long – perfect! (By the way, “cay” is pronounced “key” for you land lubbers!)
We had arrived the week before Thanksgiving. Ira informed us the owners of the entire property would be arriving in a few days to stay in the main house so he showed us the private way to the beach alongside the house so as not to disturbed or be disturbed. Following him over the crest of the sand dune upon which the main house stood, we came upon a scene that takes my breath away even today as I share this story with you. The sand was snow white and had the feel of confectioners’ sugar. The water just beyond was blue, turquoise and every hue in between. It was crystal clear and at low tide the waves lapped gently upon the beach. Coral reefs could be seen jutting out of the water all along the shore and the warm breeze shuffled the palm trees which lined the walkway. I was stunned. I had never seen anything so beautiful and it is a feeling that is with me today.
We stood there mesmerized for a while then realized we were tired, hungry and just wanted to get our travel day behind us. We unpacked our bags, of course realizing we brought too many clothes, then walked a few yards into the village of Hopetown where we came upon what was to become our favorite hangout – Cap’n Jack’s. Jack’s was the typical beach-shack hangout place. It was a tin roofed shack affair with a few booths, bar seating and a wooden deck, creaky but sturdy, overhanging the harbor where dancing occurred when the drinking lamp was lit.
As we normally did in a new spot, we sat at the bar to meet “the mayor”. Everyone should know your bartender can make or break your experience and we were hoping for a good one. Besides, bartenders are generally lots of fun. “Jack” himself was the bartender when we arrived and we quickly introduced ourselves and ordered the local favorite – Matusalem rum and tonic (with a lime if you please). It was GOOD! Refreshing and different form the usual rum and coke I was stuck on. The Viking usually went for whiskey and water but even he enjoyed this refreshing drink. As he served our drinks Jack asked “Where are you staying?” The Viking told him “Puff House”. “Oh, you’re right across the Queen’s Highway from the Haitian Embassy” he replied. We looked at each other quizzically. “There is only a small wooden garage across from us” the Viking told Jack. “Yeah, that’s it! There are usually twenty or so Haitians living in there on any given day” and he walked away to serve another customer at the end of the bar. Our eyebrows raised a bit as we considered what that meant.
Jack recommended a local favorite for dinner, conch burgers, so in the way of Jimmy Buffet, we ordered our “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and enjoyed them thoroughly. Conch is a hearty mollusk pried from its shell and deep fried. Paired with the tartar sauce, a little hot sauce and crisp shredded lettuce, it was delicious. We were told the buns which held the fried conch came direct from Vernon’s Bakery and we should visit him for his world renowned key lime pie. I was sold and ordered a piece right then! Key lime pie is my favorite dessert, then and now.
Jack was a friendly sort but a real businessman, being the owner and all, so he excused himself to tend to business and then make his way home for the night. His relief man, Roy, came on just as the music started and the crowd started to move to the dance floor. Mind you the “crowd” was about six or seven couples as the establishment couldn’t hold more than twenty or so people. Providing the music that night was a trio of a steel drum player, a guitar dude and a percussionist and we joined the crowd for a dance or two before deciding to call it a night. The Viking asked Roy for the tab. Roy replied, “No worries man, you’re staying at Puff House. Just settle up at the end of each week”. We liked it there already!
As we strolled home to Puff House we looked at the full moon and bright stars, the quaint pastel cottages along the way, and the Haitian Embassy across the Queens Highway from our front door. There would be some investigating to do tomorrow, but for now we locked the front door and fell fast asleep to the rustling palm trees and the crashing surf just beyond. This would be a GOOD second honeymoon.
submitted by Lasdchik2676 to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

Playroom with built-in playset for my sanity I mean kids

Edit: editor cut off most of my post after I fixed the links. More explanation coming.
TL/DR: I took a huge storage room and transformed it into a playroom with a built-in playset for my sanity kids.

Pictures from start to finish

With the kids home most of the day (thank goodness for in-person preschool), my wife an I were being driven crazy by the kids in the main living room. They were pent-up rambunctious loud normal kids who left their toys everywhere (5 years old, 3 years old, 18 months). So my wife and I decided to reduce our clutter by getting rid of some things and moving others from our huge storage room into a playroom. Unfortunately, my wife went to Pinterest for some ideas. Thus an empty room with their toys became a project.
First I measured and made a couple of different models of playset to put in the room. the one in the pictures is the one we settled on. I used Microsoft's 3D builder program. As I didn't need anything too fancy or that cost money.
Then we started emptying the storage room, some was sold online, some was given to charities, some was taken to the dump, and we kept a few things.
We took some time deciding what to do with the walls. Since I had never mudded or taped we were not confident in my abilities. We also wanted something stronger than drywall because well kids. After discussing manget boards or other options we decided on bead board as I had done that before. Unfortunately, this time was vastly different and not in a good way.
Then it was on to mudding and tapping which I had never done before. It turned out better than I expected. Some of my seams were very well done. Others needed some help. It didn't matter if it was the first, middle, or last any of them could have been good or bad.
At this point I was waiting for some supplies to come in (mostly wood). So decided to go on to paint. Boss lady decided that we needed to use sky blue. Since most of the paint was going to be on the ceiling I choose Matte paint. I also knew that it would hide my imperfections better. Since the bead board was going 8 feet tall on all walls but one I didn't have to worry about durability. I used my brothers paint sprayer the original primer I used worked great. Then I switched to a slightly different primer but it was thicker and cause some minor issues until I thinned it out. I never want to do primer without a sprayer again it was so much easier. However, they say to roll on color. I also wanted a little texture to help hide the imperfections. So I rolled the blue on.
After the paint dried and I was able to get my supplies it was time to get down to the real building. I started with putting in the baseboards making sure they were level. Note if I was to use these kinds of baseboards again I would put the bead board up first. The issue was when I went to put the bead board up it was not perfectly square so I had issues getting it to stay butted agains the board next to it and the baseboard.
This was the time when my worst failure of this project happened. I used Liquid Nails with a couple of brad nails from my pneumatic nail gun to put the bead board up. Liquid Nails is what I used last time I did bead board but that wasn't 8 feet tall and more importantly I have since learned that Liquid Nails changed the formula to be VOC compliant. This resulted in 1/3 the holding strength it had before. Finally to top it all off I didn't check the length of the brad nails and they were only 1 inch long so they didn't go far enough to hid studs. Needless to say the whole thing came crashing down. My solution that only partially worked was to use 2 tubes of Liquid Nails a ton of brad nails all over and use a board and chair to hold it up for about an hour. This is when I did my research on Liquid Nails. The next morning when I got up one side of the panel was looking great the other side had a wave in it and I couldn't fix it. Oh well, have to move on or this will never get done.
After that I took all the tubes of Liquid Nails back and got Loctite instead. It worked a lot better still had to hold it for several minutes to let it start to cure but better than an hour. My brother-in-law and father-in-law came to help. We finished the bead board and the chair rail. Then we started working on the framing for the playset. I had already put the leger board up before the bead board so we worked on hanging the vertical supports from the ceiling anchor which I had already hung. This is where I got to start using my very overkill, for this project, brackets. Hey if your going to build it for kids might as well over build it.
The framing was the most enjoyable part of this entire project in fact it went so smoothly that my father-in-law and I both kept double checking things because it was going too easily. However after drilling holes with the hammer drill and setting the brackets for the posts we hung the joists and every turned out square. Unlike the rest of the room.
We then installed the platforms using the plywood I already had. It was a pain to get straight cuts out of the circular saw. I saw guide bent near the beginning so we had chalk lines and free handed it. In retrospect we should have just taken the time to pack up my father-in-law's table saw and bring it over. Rip cuts are a 100% easier on a table saw.
I was back on my own to put together the shelves, ladder, and slide. I didnt put the slide together at this point as I wanted to use my electric sander as I was planning on several coats for the slide. So on to sanding everything. I went though a lot of sandpaper. I got the platform, ladder, shelves, and slide super smooth with 320 grit. everything else stopped at 220.
Back to painting. So I put up painter's plastic with painter's tape to protect the few things in the room I didnt want to be white. Out came the paint sprayer, but this time I ran out of primer and the store didn't have the one I originally used. When I asked they said they had some in quart sized. So I got that and left, thinking that the different color was due to the different size. Oh, how wrong I was. The primer I was originally using and the second primer I used were both water based as I was planning on using latex paint. This primer was oil based. It was not low fumes, I got a little tippsy and had a headache for the next couple of days. I had to rough up that primer with sandpaper so I could apply water based primer. What a waste of several days.
Finally on to the white paint. I thought about rolling it like I did the blue but all the corners and nooks and cranies were just to much for me so I sprayed the paint on as well. I did two coats of primer, two coats of paint. Then for the platform, shelves, ladder and slide I added two coats of Minwax polycrylic water based protective finish. Sanding in between for a very smooth surface. Mostly to make the most touched areas last longer but also to make the slide really fast.
I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started putting in the flooring. I had to cut around the posts and the sides but it turned out great and I'm glad most of the room is white or those colors would have been very busy looking. I also got my custom made nets in. I used a ridiculous amount of staples to attach it to the frame. See previous comment about over engineering things.
Then I moved in the Lovesac and some toys. I had still not put the slide together becuase I started but stupidly used the same 1 1/2 screws I used for the brackets on the frame. Works great with 2x6s not so great with 3/4 thick plywood. I had to repair, sand, repaint, and refinish that part of the slide.
Luckily it only took a day. I then installed the slide using the variable angle brackets, but the wall next to the slide is not square with the wall behind the playset that the platform is square with. The slide ended up being slightly crooked with the bottom moved over toward the ladder side. This left a gap at the connection of the slide and platform. I have not figure out how to fix that yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
At some point the TV went up, the chairs came in and the rest of the toys made it on the shelves.
Having this separate area for the kids to play and keep all of their toys had made my wife's and my lives infinitly better. I could feel the weight off my shoulders.
In case you are wondering the one area of the platform that doesn't have a net is for jumping out onto the Lovesac.
Lessons learned. * Use a table saw not a circular saw for rip cuts and crosscuts to big for the miter saw. * Put the bead board up first then put the molding over it. * Double check what base the paint or primer you are use is. Make sure they all match. Oil with Oil, Water with Water. * Never use Liquid Nails again. Since they changed the fomula to be VOC compliant it has 1/3 the holding power it used to.
Material List: * Plywood: was already here but something like THIS * Corner Trim: HERE * Long 2x6: Used for the ceiling anchor and front of frame. HERE * 2x6: used for the rest of the framing HERE * Chair rail: Just flat normal moulding made putting up the beadboard harder HERE * Bead Board: I don't recommend using a full sheet like I did HERE * Baseboard: same issue as chair rail. HERE * Original Primer: Works great with the paint sprayer HERE * Second Primer: didn't work as good in the paint sprayer HERE * Bad Oil Primer: Don't trust anyone else to pick up your paint or primer HERE * White Paint and Base for Blue: I use this all the time works good with kids. HERE * Minwax Polycrylic: Great water based protective layer that won't yellow HERE * Caulk: Needed like 8-10 tubes of this HERE * Color Blue: HERE * Foam Interlocking Tiles: worked perfectly for this HERE * Liquid Nails: this stuff is terrible don't buy but if you like being frustrated and angry HERE * Loctite: Much better than Liquid Nails HERE * Custom Netting: ordered two nets cost about $90 with shipping and taxes. Much better than anything else I found. HERE
Hardware / Connectors: * Post Cap: HERE * Double 2x6 Joist hanger: Only used two near the posts * Single 2x6 Joist hanger: HERE * Corner Angle Tie: Used for the corners of the frames HERE * Face Post Cap: Used to tie the joists to the post where three joists meet 1 90 degrees to the others HERE * 90 Degree Angle tie: Used to tie the vertical supports to the ceiling anchor HERE * Flush Mount: Used to connect the ladder to the frame while allowing the ladder to be removed HERE * Variable Angle Tie: Used to connect the slide to the frame. Slide at a 30 Degree angle. HERE * 4in Angle Tie: Used to support the steps on the ladder. Ladder at 20 degree angele. HERE * Galvanized Screws: Recommended to work with the brackets. Probably didnt need to use these. HERE * Drain clean out cover: was set back had to use a block of wood to screw into HERE * Screws: for everything else but the brackets. Love star drive wish philips would disappear HERE * Post base: screwed into the concrete to support the posts HERE * Painter's plastic: HERE * Painter's Tape: HERE
Tools: * Air compressor: already had this HERE * Pnuematic Nail gun: already had this HERE * Shop Vac: borrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Hammer Drill: barrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Occillating Mult-tool: borrowed from Father-in-Law similar to this * Circular saw: Use a table saw! similar to this * Jigsaw: works great for cutting the holes for outlets similar to this * Compound Miter Saw: already had this similar to this * Pnuematic Stabler: borrowed from brother similar to this * Paint Sprayer: borrowed from brother HERE
Budget: * Original: $500 (pre-playset plans) * Ending: ~$1250. Saved a lot by having the plywood. Spent some by using so much bead board. * Already had most of the tools or could borrow them. Labor "free". Most of the cost was material.
In case you were wondering: * Lovesac: Many different sizes ours is the Supersac. HERE * TV Mount: HERE * Roku Express: HERE * TV from yard sale. * Chairs from school closing.
Also posted on [Homeimprovement](homeimprovement) and [DIY](diy)
submitted by Rorys_closet to homeimprovementideas [link] [comments]

psychology 2 Electric boogaloo

So yesterday I posted about the psychological aspects of the entire stock craze.
Today I want to go a bit more in depth of how PSYOPS (psychological operations) normally work for military, but also how they apply to us today. if someone wants me to go in depth on how psyops is used on businesses feel free to let me know I'll do some research and post here
There is a certain order when it comes to PSYOPSIn order to create a successful PSYOP the following must be established:
1 clearly define the mission so that it aligns with national objectives 2 need a PSYOP estimate of the situation 3 prepare the plan 4 media selection 5 product development 6 pretesting - determines the probable impact of the PSYOP on the target audience 7 production and dissemination of PSYOP material 8 implementation 9 posttesting - evaluates audience responses 10 feedback 
Before these steps can occur, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets in order to determine which ones it would be most beneficial to target. In order to figure this out, analysts must determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they would be susceptible to.
The analysts also determine the attitudes of the targets toward the current situation, their complaints, ethnic origin, frustrations, languages, problems, tensions, attitudes, motivations, and perceptions, and so on. Once the appropriate target(s) have been determined, the PSYOP can be created. this is the basic outline of how a PSYOPS work, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
this is the basic outline of how a psyop works, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
1 they need to find out what we think/feel and find our weakness.
this is the most simple one as we work in plain sight and let everyone see our DD
2 Can they pull this off? can they create FUD and divide our ranks?
Also easily yes
3 the plan:
Divide and conquer, make them doubt themselves and show their comrades are not as brotherly as they imagined.
4 the Media selection is also fairly easy to fill in
modern news media, meaning TV, newspapers, and reddit itself. We’ve all seen the people on tv saying we are idiots, we are dumb etc etc News article after news article stating that it’s over And here is the only one that may have actually shown to have some effect: other users Other users saying we missed the boat, other users showing their “gains” and using others to turn against each other. 5 Product development See how well it’s doing so far? 6 pretesting Can and will these things affect us? Yes and no, the media didn’t work as we could see the facts were skewed across the board, and they are still using short ladder attacks so… no Having other users spread doubt… Yes, this has worked for some people. 7 product and dissemination Normally this is where (if it was used by a military operation) it would be implemented, but due to time constraints I believe they started right after the “planning” phase in 3 8 Implementation Putting it to use, again I believe the implementation begon at point 3 9 posttesting Evaluation of the audiences response, do they react and how do they react 10 feedback If it works, at which points, if it doesn’t where and why? This last one is very easy, noticed how all mainstream news died off about the negativity towards GME BB AMC and NOK? But how the influx of new users on WSB become more prevalent? This is because they knew we didn’t give a fuck about the mainstream media, we cared about our brothers in arms.
Now with knowing some of the basics lets do a quick and dirty analysis of all of this, From end of 2020 to about 18-01-2021 the sentiment was positive. At this date we saw a wide range of implementation of the media. And everyone was saying we were stupid etc etc. Hell we even got a billionaire to cry on tv
This negative attention seemed to only bolster us in our conviction that we were and are correct in what our DD has lined out for us.
Ok so the main media networks don't work, What does?
Ok so the main media networks don't work, What does? Well lets use their main tools (reddit) against them. And what did we suddenly see since the 27th/28th? Suddenly the mod team changes, and this is very important because if you control the people who control the board you control the narrative, skewing it from positive to negative. (as we’ve seen a lot of people getting their positive posts deleted, their DD deleted etc etc) We also seen a massive influx of bots, negative posters, people showing their “gains” And this seemed to work so they stuck with it. Now look at these last paragraphs and compare them to a normal Psyops mission. Do you think they kind of align a lot? Good because this is what we have been using since as long as we can remember Some real world examples of things like this being implemented are for example: The Gleiwitz incident Hitler invaded Poland, took control of their radio tower and made it seem like Poland attacked Germany, this way he could “retaliate” without any repercussions at the time. As he was only defending his country.
Operation Bodyguard A plan to mislead the Germans during WW2 to make them think the time and place of the invasion (D-day) would take place at another time and date then it did. There are a lot of WW2 examples but I think it’s more prudent to focus on modern day as this was the beginning of modern psyops, but it has evolved a lot since then. To most people when you say “PSYOPS” they think of Vietnam, and rightly so as here we were starting to use more and more psychological methods. First off this is a very interesting read; for the people who think PSYOPS are no longer used, they are and they’re still recruiting;
The Phoenix program; The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination. The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong". The Phoenix Program was premised on the idea that infiltration had required local support from non-combat civilian populations, which were referred to as the "political branch" that had purportedly coordinated the insurgency.
Operation Wandering soul; Now this one is actually one that is pretty fucked up in my book, this was an OP that screwed with their heads on such a level this one should be criminal.
The VC believed at the time that the dead should be buried at home or else the soul was stuck wandering the earth aimlessly, sounds fairly normal if you believe in those things. But then the US was like “they aren’t at home right? What if we play distorted human sounds and zombie like sounds to fuck with them”. This is the gist of what happened
Check this site out for more on OP Wandering soul:
Now to keep this a bit shorter I will give you a couple of operation names here which you can research if you want, they are important in this grander thing but or else this post would turn into another thesis on PSYOPS. Operation CHIEU HOI Operation MOCKINGBIRD (highly unclear of the scope but it does reflect a lot of what we see today in the ways of media manipulation) Operation FIELD GOAL (leaflet drop mission, much like the recent “GAINS” posts as it has the same effect, either you get convinced the squeeze is squoze or you lose morale)
Modern day(desert storm to now)
Gulf war Banknotes; This one is a very good one, as they used banknotes which had some added text to it, sounds innocent enough right?Nope this one was one of the more effective ones they used in desert storm/shield.
Give it a read because it’s too good to just give a small synopsis here.
Command Radio Solo over Iraq Because Iraq was still a technologically lagging country back then they used radio to give out propaganda, again using mainstream media to push their idiology. page has everything on it, including the scripts they have used at the time.
Some other golf war things to look into:
Compare those to the disinformation we are receiving when it comes to gains and why we should sell.
Operation OBSERVANT COMPASS 2003 initially an op to get Joseph Kony and to end the “lord's resistance army in central afrika.
Toppling of Saddam Hussein statue Arguably the most visible image of the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the toppling of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad. Allegations that the event was staged have been published.
It is claimed it was actually an idea hatched by an Army psychological operations team. Allegations surfaced that not only were the cheering group of people surrounding the statue in fact smaller than they were made out to be, in media depictions, but that also the group were not local to the area and were instead brought in by the military for the specific purpose of watching and lending credence to the pre-planned toppling.
Use of music in interrogation of prisoners. Again this one is one we all know about, using heavy metal on Iraqi prisoners, as they’ve never heard heavy metal this fucks them up beyond belief. this is a more hands on PSYWAR but it's morale based
Pentagon analysts and the mainstream media In 2008, The New York Times exposed how analysts portrayed in the U.S. news media as independent and objective were in fact under the tutelage of the Pentagon.
According to the NYT:
Hidden behind that appearance of objectivity, though, is a Pentagon information apparatus that has used those analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance
CNN and NPR interns incident In 2000, it came to light that soldiers from the 4th Psychological Operations Group had been interning at the American news networks Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio (NPR) during the late 1990s. The program was an attempt to provide its PSYOP personnel with the expertise developed by the private sector under its "Training with Industry" program.
The program caused concern about the influence these soldiers might have on American news and the programs were terminated.
National Public Radio reported on April 10, 2000:
The U.S. Army's Psychological Operations unit placed interns at CNN and NPR in 1998 and 1999. The placements at CNN were reported in the European press in February of this year and the program was terminated. The NPR placements will be reported this week in TV Guide.
Am I saying the army or government is involved? No What I am saying is that most of the information regarding PSYOPS is publicly available, and anyone with a decent understanding of sociology and psychology can use this to their advantage. And I’m sure that not everyone who was in PSYOPS at one point or another, would stay there forever. These people usually branch out and use their acquired skillset and use it on the open market to get some big bucks. And while there are laws forbidding the U.S. government to use misinformation/PSYOPS on their own people, there are none for corporations, so they can still implement this. What you can see here is a fairly simple pattern and Modus Operandi. Just translate it to modern times.
-TV and Radio have been used to spread doubt about “is this over or not”.-They use twitter as an outlet showing “experts” who say we are stupid bad or nihilists, this is bait don't take it ok?
-Leaflets have been updated for the modern day, “LOOK AT MAH GAINS” “LOOK IVE SOLD SO SHOULD YOU AT AN ALL TIME LOW”, pictures are all we need instead of leaflets now. Why sell for losses? If you believed in the stock then believe in it now, even Mark Cuban said “if you can afford to hold, hold. That’s what I would do.”
Infiltration and seed Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Make people lose faith in the cause they are in.We have seen this with bots, and real people who are suddenly in the WSB group and other groups, but it’s funny how it’s mostly concentrated on WSB no ?We have seen other members talking to people on Webull asking if they’re getting paid and they flat out said yes 20 bucks for every post with minimally 3 interactions.When those naysayers get caught on reddit and pointed out suddenly they do an account wipe (seen this at least 5 times myself and seen others post about this).
Control the narrative
This is the most important one can do, if you control the narrative you control the way people think interact etc Since a week or so WSB has become very negative about something they were rallying behind for months, like on the flip of a dime.
New mods instated, old ones removed
And suddenly all the positive things about GME are suddenly gone. u/zjz has been removed out of the blue while being one of the better mods on there.
Right now they are controlling the narrative and spreading “fake news” I fucking hate Donny but I’m ashamed to admit that he might have been right about the entire fake news idea. Because look at the news media; Gme craziness they will crash the market GME craze over now silver Silver now Uranium They all went broke etc etc. EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL PLZ DONT LOOK
But if you look at multiple sources…. The shorts are not covered at all The Short ladder attacks (which we can just call ladder attacks at this point) keep going day in day out because we are not selling and they keep shorting it.
Take the facts that you can check yourself. Cross check over and over and over, you will see automatically which ones are correct (if a 100 say the outcome is 120 and 20 say they’re at 50 look at the credibility of those people giving the information).Do your DD, cross check with the DD of other members (this is most likely why WSB removed these)As this is the most powerful one, who is on board who does what why do they do it etc etc.
Normally the announcement that Cohen,fils-aime, Francis, Durkin AND Kruger would impact the stock in a very positive manor, yet the stock went down 20% that day
Compare your findings with the Median of when something like that happens normally the stock shoots up, you can find what’s actually happening and what is being pushed on you.
Like: people have already sold out their shares (while the data shows otherwise )My conclusion is that there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes to keep us infighting and divided, as long as we all keep positive we can actually come out on top of this.
Make no mistake gentlemen we are at war. And half the war is a war of hearts and minds

Capture their minds and their hearts and soulswill follow

also posted this on DeepFuckingValue
submitted by rensole to GME [link] [comments]

Shattered Helix - 3.02 - BEST LAID PLANS

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Chapter 3.02


Streets of Chicago, IL
Friday, July 11th
Kyle, Shaun, Julie, and the two; Robert, and Jack, made their way to the hospital a block away. The group had found another store filled with clothing and camping gear on the way, so they sent Kenny back to base to gather others to loot the place.
“It’s kinda eerie walking around Chicago with no vehicles or people insight,” said Shaun.
“Yea, it is. It’s crazy how they got the outsides of every building correct. Though I guess with the help of AIs, it wasn’t that hard to do,” responded Kyle.
The group kept chatting until they made their way closer to the large five-story building. When they crossed into the intersection close to the hospital, they were stopped by a message flashing into their vision.

Entering Terminally Chi Territory
You may not enter another’s territory at this time.

“Is this a cancer hospital? That is all kinds of dark,” said Julie.
Kyle and company waited around for a few minutes but didn’t spot anyone. They figured the group who claimed the hospital wasn’t notified of their presence.
“Ok, let’s head back. We have less than an hour before the event starts,” said Kyle.
The group walked back towards the NeXus, taking a different set of streets. After the fourth block, they came across a gas station. From a distance, there looked to be items on the shelves. After a quick check on time, they decided to check it out. Inside they found a little bit of everything among the five shelves. Julie found a large bag behind the main counter and started filling it with small medical kits from a back shelf.
Kyle walked up to a carousel of postcards and brochures. Among them were some maps of the area. He grabbed those and wedged them into one of his back pockets. Finding more bags behind the counter, he and the others began looting as much of the food, drinks, and other odd items as they could. With two full bags each, they headed back to base.


“How many we up to, Jonathan?” asked Shaun Sr.
“We’re at two-hundred-sixteen. A handful of new people are from the area and followed our guys back to join the group. Benji is still sorting everyone into teams. We don’t know everyone’s skills or the type of playstyle they are going for yet,” replied Jonathon.
“That’s fine. We got all day to figure things out. Everyone should be back soon.”
Shaun Sr. glanced at the clock and timer at his vision’s top right. They had a little under ten minutes left before the event started. He looked over at the entrance just in time to see Kyle and his son, along with his girlfriend coming back. Each of them carried a pair of large bags. Spotting him and Jonathon, they made a beeline over to them.
“Dad, we got some medical kits and food. We went up to the hospital west of here, but someone already claimed it as their territory. The system wouldn’t allow us near the place.”
“Alright, we’ll try and make contact with them after the event is over.”
“Here, I found five of these. I’ll give you the four extra,” Kyle said, handing Senior the maps.
“Did anyone find any kind of pens or markers?!” Senior shouted.
“Here, we got a ton of art supplies,” a young teenage girl said.
She walked up to the makeshift desk Jonathon had made and dumped a handful of markers on it.
“Thank you, Sarah,” said Senior.
Kyle walked over to the makeshift desk and picked up one of the thin black markers. He then began making marks on the map he unfolded on the desk. He marked the gas station, convenience store, and camping gear outlet with a plus sign inside a circle. Kyle then marked the shack down the block with a $ sign. Next, he outlined the hospital and wrote in Terminally Chi. Seeing what Kyle was doing, Senior unfolded one of the other maps and copied everything Kyle had marked.
“Attention! Anyone who has found a place to loot, or someone else’s territory come over here and show us on the map,” shouted Shaun Sr.
Multiple people came over and showed them where their groups had found places of interest. They had eleven lootable buildings, three shady-looking market shacks, and five other claimed territories marked on both maps in minutes.
“Ok, when the event is over, we need everyone to head southwest to the sporting goods store and loot the rest of the baseball bats and golf clubs that Zack’s group found,” Senior said.
The group discussed the next areas to loot until everyone heard the familiar chime. When the countdown hit zero, the flash of a message entered their visions.

Attention Players!
Region USA.2 has 45,762 groups along with their territories. Over the last four hours, members of each group have been infected in different ways. The first event is to eliminate the members of your group who have been infected before they can spread the outbreak further. Groups who eliminate everyone infected will be rewarded with a cache of weapons. For those who do not, their territory and group will be eliminated.

Before anyone could say a word, another message flashed.

Attention NeXus Group!
Three of your members have been infected. The outbreak has already spread to a fourth. You have two hours to eliminate those infected or remove them from your territory. Those who have been infected, if you are eliminated, you will receive a reward when you spawn tomorrow.

Everyone went silent. They began to look around, trying to figure out who had been infected.
“Ok, everyone, listen up. Does anyone feel sick? Did anything happen out of the ordinary? Have you been cut, scrapped, heaven forbid, bitten?” said Shaun Sr.
Julie, who was now crying, and an older guy Kyle didn’t know raised their hands.
“A cat scratched me outside earlier,” Julia said, showing her arm, which now had thin black lines around the affected area.
The older gentleman who had raised his hand walked up to the group and removed his shirt. On his side was a small cut, but the same black lines expanded out from it.
“Tried to jump a fence and got a scrape,” the older man said.
“I’m sorry, guys, but I don’t want to kill one of our own. I’d like you two to leave on your own and get as far away as possible. Try and come back once you spawn tomorrow.” Senior said calmly.
“I’m going with her, Dad. If it spreads that easy, I may be the one who got it passed to,” said Junior.
Senior nodded his head to his son.
“Try and get back here as soon as you can, all of you.”
“Alright, who else? I know it sucks, but even if you think there might be the smallest of chances, please come forward.”
A few minutes passed by, small groups started talking in hushed whispers. One of the groups in the back began arguing. Then it quickly turned into a shouting match.
“Stanley here got cut by glass!” one of the group shouted.
“I’m fine, look no back lines!” Stanley shouted back.
Senior and Kyle walked back to the group and inspected his arm. There was a shallow cut but no black lines.
“We don’t know if that's an indicator or not. We really can’t take the chance. Please leave the territory, walk with Junior and the others a couple of blocks away. After the event ends, if you’re feeling ok then, come back.”
“Whatever, man,” said Stanley stomping towards the door.
“Anyone else?!” shouted Senior.
No one else said anything. Shaun and Julie hugged his dad then began to walk outside as well. The older gentleman followed suit. Everyone began to relax and talk, but Kyle could see people darting their eyes around, waiting for something terrible to happen. At the thirty-minute mark, everyone heard the same chime and got a flash in their vision as a new message appeared.

Attention NeXus Group!
You currently have one infected member within your territory. Eliminate all infected before the time limit.

Everyone now had a thirty-minute timer counting down at the top right of their vision under the time. Next to the timer was a red [1].
“What are we going to do, Shaun,” Kyle said.
“Is there anyone missing? Everyone stand in groups of ten, quickly!” shouted Senior.
Everyone started moving quickly, and soon there were twenty-one groups spread out in the large room.
“We only have eight in our group,” shouted a young man to Shaun and Kyle’s left.
“That’s two-hundred-ten. We are missing two people,” said Jonathon from his group.
“Alright, everyone, stay with your group. Look over one another for any cuts or marks, explicitly with black lines. Jonathan, once you look over one another, help me and Kyle search for the two we are missing.”
Kyle was out the door in a moment and began searching the street in front of the cafe. Not seeing anyone, he walked around the old laundromat part of the cafe and then headed into the alley between the two buildings to reach the cafe’s back area. As Kyle got close to the alley, the red [1] became a [2] with a ‘ping.’ With a new sense of urgency, Kyle began to run towards the back. Coming around the corner, he heard the grunts first.
Looking around while slowly walking towards the noise, he spotted someone kneeling behind the dumpster to the left of the NeXus s back door. Before he could turn around and go back towards the front to warn Senior, Jonathan came crashing through the back door and spotted Kyle.
“Hey Kyle, have you found them yet? We think we found the last infected insi…”
Before Jonathan could finish the sentence, the man standing over the now visible bloody body jumped up, turned around, and ponced on the unaware Jonathan. Kyle could see the man, who had been probably in his early twenties, had slightly red-glowing eyes. Nothing else about the guy screamed Zombie, but Kyle knew. The Zombie wrapped its hands around Jonathan from behind and bit down on his shoulder. Jonathan let out a scream as blood pumped a foot in the air several times before suddenly stopping.
Ping’ [3].
Kyle backed away in horror. He hadn’t expected such gore. The pain in Jonathan’s face looked real. Kyle was brought out of his horror when the body besides the dumpster began to move as well. Then a group of the others came rushing through the door.
“We heard a scream. What’s going on?”
Not seeing Jonathan in the Zombie’s grip, feet away from them, the group still looked around for anything amiss. The Zombie let Jonathan go, his body falling to the ground. The group, now seeing the body fall from the grip of the guy in front of them, screamed and tried to run back through the door all at the same time.
Kyle watched as the Zombie who had bitten Jonathon jumped onto a younger woman, biting into her neck and knocking both of them to the ground.
Ping’ [4].
The rest of the group managed to get through the door. However, not one of them had bothered to close it behind them. Kyle watched as the Zombie near the dumpster walked through the door into the cafe. In the meantime, Kyle walked slowly backward, keeping his eyes on the Zombie still working on the woman in the alley.
Ping’ [5].
Kyle darted towards the street. Coming to the end of the cafe’s alley, he stopped, then peeked around the corner at the cafe’s entrance. Not seeing anyone, he ran to the door and opened it. Once inside, he saw a group had formed. They all held bats, golf clubs, and other blunt instruments. They were beating on the two Zombies who had followed the other group inside the back door.
For a few moments, it looked like the makeshift group of defenders were pushing the Zombies back. That’s when one of the survivors from the back started to twitch, then leap onto the back of one of the fighters. He quickly bit into the guy’s shoulder while raking his hand across the face of the fighter next to them.
Ping’ [6].
Ping’ [7].
Now realizing their backline was under attack, the fighters split their attention. This proved further fatal, as one of the Zombies was able to get up and lunge at a young teen to the side. Kyle saw the Zombie on the floor had been killed, and a glowing blue orb was now over its body.
Yea, I’m not going anywhere near that to check it out.
Kyle rushed to grab a golf club from the looted goods pile. Looking around, he spotted Senior with a group of four trying to leave the cafe building. Turning back to the fight and seeing it going south, he decided to catch up and follow them.
Kyle quickly exited onto the street, his nine iron in hand, to find Senior and another person had already started running down the road. One of their group lay on the ground with another fussing over them.
Giving the two a wide berth, he circled them to see what he had suspected. The one fussing over the body was a Zombie. One of the ones from the back, Kyle guessed. Kyle made a ‘scuff’ noise with his shoe, and the Zombie looked up at him.
I’m out of here.
Kyle turned and ran west down the street. He thought that his first stop should be the camping goods store. Then he needed to figure out what to do after the event ended.
“Hey Bob, you there, bud?”
[I am. A nasty bit of business back there.]
“Ok, good. So you can see everything in the game?”
[I can, what’s up?]
“Need you to make a mental copy of the map we made, in case I lose it.”
[Already done.]
“Thank you.”
Kyle pictured the cat shrugging in his mind and chuckled.
Ping’ [8].
Ping’ [9].
Ping’ [10].
Ping’ [11].
It took Kyle almost ten minutes to reach the camping store. Looking around and not seeing anyone from the windows, he quietly ducked inside. Finding a large hiking backpack, he filled it with the limited supplies he could find. He made sure to grab a tent and sleeping bag as well. Strapping the bag to his back, he went into the back room and found a ladder on the back wall leading to the roof. Kyle quickly scaled the ladder, opened the hatch, and climbed onto the sporting goods store’s top, thankful to find it empty of Zombies and people.
Closing the hatch behind himself, he realized there was no lock on this side. He grabbed a couple of cinder blocks from a pile and laid them over the hatch.
Ping’ [12].
“Well, fuck.”
Kyle waited on the roof as the timer ticked away. The ‘pings’ began coming faster, steadying to several every minute, then suddenly they stopped. When the counter finally hit zero, Kyle’s display listed seventy-eight infected. Two messages then appeared back to back.

Attention NeXus Group!
Your group has failed to protect its territory. NeXus Group has been dissolved.

Attention Players!
Congratulations, region USA.2, for having 21,912 groups left. You are second behind the region RUS.4.
Outbreak is now live. Those with territories may begin to upgrade them and prepare to defend. Those without a group may join others or remain alone. You have 18 hours left to explore and loot before those who aren’t playing awake as Zombies.

Kyle started to consider his next steps, but then pushed those thoughts to the side. He had the rest of the play session to explore. But first, Kyle needed to get the minimum of four hours of daily rest as required by the game. He pulled out the sleeping bag, laid it out on the roof, and then climbed in.
“Bob, wake me up in four hours, please.”
[Alarm has been set.]

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My 2020 curated list of articles, resources and links on programming, math and computer science.

Hi /compsci!
2019 list: My 2019 curated list of articles, resources and links on programming, math and computer science.
Every year I bookmark many websites, tutorials and articles on mostly programming, math, technology and computer science. I go through them all in the end of the year and curate the best, unique and interesting stuff to make a list for myself (and discard the others).
This year wasn't the one to celebrate but we came out stronger, wiser and more prepared. I hope these resources help you in some way and most importantly I hope you'll learn something fun and enjoyable.
Interesting Experiments
Books, Courses, Blogs and More
Hacker-News Posts:
Reddit Posts
Mostly math, ml and more.
Various Misc. Stuff
Personal Interest 2020+.
(You can skip this if you're not into competitive programming.)
Preparing and competing for the ACM-ICPC during my undergrad was fun and exciting but as I (my team) didn't make it to the WF and I had lost interest to continue this sport. It's back baaaaby!
There are a lot, literally a plethora of CP websites, tutorials and stuff to read and do. If you want huge list of it check this github repo.
I'm going to note down the best of them.
Online Judges + Contests
  •, very high quality problems, matured platform, huge, active community. Great contests, fast editorials, lookup solutions, etc. Currently the best out there.
  •, a new Japanese platform which is improving and becoming one the best. Kenkoo has made a nice website to see which problems you have solved and categorizes them in difficulty.
  •, with a new management it's working hard to be a great platform.
There are many more such as SPOJ, Peking Online Judge, Timus Online Judge, CS Academy, Hacker-Rank/Earth, etc. where you can practice.
More useful resources:
Have fun!
Let the not the ghosts of the past (2020) dim our bright future (2021+).
Stay safe 😷 and happy holidays!
submitted by sudoankit to compsci [link] [comments]

what is ladder golf video

Multi-Player Ladder Golf - YouTube Ladder Golf: How To - YouTube Make a Ladder Golf Game (how to) - YouTube How to play Ladder Golf - Tips and Techniques - YouTube Ladder Golf - YouTube

Ladder golf - also known as blongoball, bolo ball, and Polish Horseshoes - involves throwing golf-ball "bolas" over rungs. It is a fun game that can be enjoyed by the whole family. With some creativity and diligence, you can make your own set and play the game. Steps. The Ladder Golf brand is the original ladder ball tossing game. Founded in 2003 we are still going strong. Free Shipping available and 100% quality guarantee! Official Rules. Ladder Golf ® is played with 2 or more players or teams. Each player has 3 golf ball bolas. A bola is 2 golf balls attached by a nylon rope. The object of the game is to wrap your bolas around the steps of the ladder. The ladder consists of 3 steps, a top, middle and a bottom step. Hitta professionella Ladder Golf videor och bakom kulisserna-material som kan licensieras för film-, tv- och företagsanvändning. Getty Images erbjuder exklusiva royaltyfria analoga rights-ready och premium HD- och 4K-videor av högsta kvalitet. As for the other measurements provided by the ladder golf plans, you need to make sure that the player is 15” away from the ladder when they are throwing their bolas. This is the recommended distance, but keep in mind that this is just a recommendation, and many decide to keep the toss line at the distance of 5 paces, or even less. Ladder Golf extrabollar Nu kan du köpa till extrabollar till ditt Ladder Golf för att kunna spela fler än 2 spelare samtidigt. Dessa bollar är riktiga golfbollar som sitter samman med kraftigt snöre och mässingsinfästning. Find the perfect Ladder Golf stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from premium Ladder Golf of the highest quality. A ladder tournament takes place over an extended period of time (such as over a summer) and can be thought of as self-serve: There aren't necessarily any organized play dates. Rather, the tournament bracket, or ladder, is posted for all to see, and players take it upon themselves to issue challenges and set up times to play matches. Ladder Golf Rules. To play ladder golf, you need two ladders and three sets of bolas per team. Each ladder has three rungs, and each rung is worth a different point. Many different point allocations exist, but the most common is to score them at one, two, and three from the top down. Ladder golf actually goes by many names, as it’s only recently been patented and standardized. It’s also known as ladder toss, ball rope, or hillbilly/redneck golf. However, despite the potentially unflattering names, it’s a great game that doesn’t demand a lot of equipment or space to play.

what is ladder golf top

[index] [6398] [7368] [6943] [4970] [1897] [8141] [693] [4516] [5863] [2073]

Multi-Player Ladder Golf - YouTube

For those of you looking for a fun way to pass time this summer, why not play some backyard games. Regionally and affectionately known as Horseballs here is ... Purchase Ladder Golf: this video we have Brent Doud founder of and inventor of Ladder Golf showi... Buy Here: Rainbow® PVC ladder toss sets are lightweight and set up quickly from compac... This video will show you how to make a Ladder Golf Game easy, fast, and cheap. Ladder Golf is also known by many other names like Redneck Golf, Rodeo Golf, P... This video shows how to build the game of Ladder Golf and play the game in your own backyard setting. This is intended to promote the idea of Lifetime Fitness.

what is ladder golf

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